Monday, December 11, 2023

Former President Donald Trump has announced he will not testify in his New York fraud trial on Monday as planned

In a wild, lengthy, all-caps statement on his Truth Social platform Sunday, the former president declared that because he has already testified in the case and believes the case to be “RIGGED,” he will not take the stand.

So it took a fraud trial to finally make Trump shut the f=ck up. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Republican leadership supporting Russia should be considered domestic terrorists. - Jack Hopkins

My Heart Breaks For Zelenskyy

Delaying a vote on aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan will do great damage to America's reputation as a reliable global leader in a very dangerous world. Delay is a gift to Putin, XI, and the mullahs in Iran. The stakes are very high. No time to be playing logroll politics. - Michael McFaul

Republican Shenanigans

And behold, the Evangelicals of America made a golden Trump, and they did bow down and worship him. - Stephen King

Will SCOTUS Give Trump Immunity?

Ken Paxton said mask mandates were a violation of “liberty and individual choice” and an example of “government overreach”, but forcing a woman to carry a nonviable fetus despite threats to her health is not.

This ain’t about liberty.
This is about men controlling women.
Period. - JoJoFromJerz

Mike Johnson, in claiming God choosing him as "a new Moses" for a "Red Sea moment" is far more than deep delusions of grandeur. Anyone who believes/whose followers believe he's somehow "chosen by God" is/wants to/is trying to be – a cult leader. This man is profoundly dangerous. - DrJackBrown

The Bible is 100% accurate when thrown at close range. - LuciferTweetz


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Rock The Voter News

Why do women no longer have abortion rights?

Politicians like Susan Collins lied to protect Trump & Kavanaugh

Billionaire-funded Federalist Society hijacked our Supreme Court

McConnell rammed extremists through the Senate

THESE crooks are who assaulted the women of America. - Lindy Li

Y'all will never see a man in court begging a judge to allow a lifesaving medical procedure. - Covie

A SCOTUS Surprise!
The Supreme Court on Monday let stand a Washington state law prohibiting licensed health care professionals from practicing “conversion therapy” – a scientifically discredited practice intended to 

Happy Hanukkah!*
*offer not available at the University of Pennsylvania. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

You mean to tell me if the rapture comes, all of these Christo-fascist Trump supporting assholes will just disappear? Talk about peace on Earth. - PFleeceman

We Are So Screwed.

“The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe with blood for centuries.”
-James Madison


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