Thursday, December 7, 2023

Mike Johnson Compares Himself to Moses While Claiming God Led Him to ‘Red Sea Moment’ for the House GOP

House Speaker Mike Johnson leaned heavily into his religious convictions as he drew a connection between himself and the prophet Moses.

If Mike Johnson doesn't believe this, he's a manipulative cynic. If he does, he's psychotic. Either way, he'a a massive megalomaniac. 

If he wants to pretend he's Moses, he can start by removing himself to the desert for 40 years. - Mary L. Trump

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

The same people who attacked Obama for being weak with Putin in 2014 are now being weak with Putin in 2023. - Adam Kinzinger

Putin Is So Pleased...
U.S. Senate leaders vowed on Thursday to keep trying to reach an agreement to provide billions of dollars in new security aid to Ukraine, but faced uncertainty about doing so quickly after Republicans blocked a sweeping foreign security assistance bill.

History will judge us harshly if we turn our back on freedom’s cause in Ukraine.  

We can’t let Putin win. - President Biden

Republican Shenanigans

How sad it is that some individuals believe that scientists, scholars, historians, economists, and journalists have devoted their entire lives to deceiving them, while a reality TV star with decades of fraud & exhaustively documented lying is their only beacon of truth & honesty. - Alicia

Anyone Taking Bets That The Speaker Is Going To Somehow, Someway, Abuse This?
Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) is taking heat from the hard-right conservative wing of his conference over the addition of a short-term extension of the nation’s warrantless surveillance powers in the defense authorization bill. 

In most countries, if someone thinks that they are Moses, they get mental health treatment but in the United States they get to be speaker of the house. - Dave Matt

24 hrs. of listening to MSNBC fawn over Liz Cheney and pine for the grand old days of her father’s Republican Party has made me ill. FFS people! Have we forgotten who Dick Cheney was and what the party was like while he was in power? - Dave_H64

Vivek Ramaswamy is a compulsive liar who's borderline insane and devoid of any actual ideas. That means he has a very bright future in the GOP. - tooronlists

Big Shoutout To This Brave Texas Judge

A Texas judge has granted a pregnant woman permission to have an abortion and the state will likely appeal.

It’s beyond disgusting that a judge or anyone can instruct a woman or block her from making choices about her health and body. Fascist republicans must be stopped. - Ricky Davila

What kind of sh-thole country forces a woman to beg a judge’s permission to have healthcare. - Jeff Tiedrich


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Business/Tech News

The Republican Party never hesitates to ask Americans to make sacrifices for the benefit of Billionaires. - Sgt. Joker

I'd Try This Place Out As Long As They Serve Those Fried Apple Pies

The GOP would rather have blood flowing in the streets than give up that sweet sweet NRA money. - TheUSASingers

I served with Moses. I knew Moses. Moses was a friend of mine. Speaker Johnson, you're no Moses.


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