Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Democratic wins in US state votes boost Joe Biden

Joe Biden's Democratic party has secured victories in a series of US state and local elections, providing a boost for the president as he...

How’s that culture war working out for y’all Republicans? You’re losing big chunks of women voters because you forgot that at some point all of this becomes a fundamental question of individual liberty. - Rick Wilson

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

GOP Accuse Women Voters of Meddling in Ohio Election. - Andy Borowitz

It Is Insane That One Senator Has So Much Power
Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) and Senate Republicans are racing to find a solution to his hold on more than 400 military promotions but are coming up empty-handed as frustration mounts and his blockade hits the eight-month mark.

Every Trump endorsed candidate lost.

For a guy who wins so many polls, he sure loses a lot of elections. - Alex Cole

Republican Shenanigans

Democrats crushed it. They've been crushing it since 2020, with President Biden leading the way.

Let them say he's too old. Let them say what they want. The truth is, he has the votes and he's going to win.

Suck on that, you Russian GOP MAGA traitor Christo-fascist sell-outs. - Jane of the North

Ivanka Suffers Memory Loss

Ivanka Trump is a lot younger than President Biden & she can’t recall anything. - Evan

The Republican Party is performin' like every other Trump-managed property. - Tea Pain


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Biden's polling is so underwater that Democrats won Virginia and Kentucky tonight. If he keeps doing this poorly, Democrats will win the House, the Senate, and the Presidency next year. - BlackKnight10K

I'm not voting for Joe Biden because he hasn't fixed the check engine light on my car. - chrismorley


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Business/Tech News

Elon Musk paid $44 billion to turn this website into a right-wing psyop to try to shift public opinion and all he ended up doing was deluding MAGA extremists into thinking they were the majority. LOL. - Brett Meiselas

Mortgage Rates Drop, But Will Home Prices?

Those of citizens who showed up yesterday and gave a big old f*ck you to the Republican agenda, well done. You made a difference, and big one for a lot of people. 

It's not over though. It's NEVER over. You have to keep showing up, every day, forever. That's what duty is. - Stonekettle


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