Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Let Us Not Forget This From 2017

Biden Spox Hits Back at Trump By Pointing At Reports He Gave Away Israeli Intel Secrets
Senior Communications Adviser Andrew Bates hit back during a social media feud by pointing a finger at reports ex-President Donald Trump gave away Israeli intelligence secrets as president, at a time when questions swirl about how Hamas got around Israel’s defenses to carry out their horrific terrorist assault.

Is anyone else already sick and tired of MAGA simps confusing sympathy for Palestinian families with support for Hamas? - Kyle Keegan

When the US was attacked on Sep 11, 2001, the entire world watched in horror and offered sincere support -- even those nations who were our political adversaries

We pissed all of that good will away by bombing people who never did a damn thing to us

There's a lesson there. - Stonekettle

Zelensky Knows.

I don’t know the name of the Swedish man who came to the Israeli embassy in Sweden to lay down 900 roses in memory of the slaughtered victims, but I know I love him and hold him in my heart forever. - Annika H. Rothstein

Stop waiting for Tuberville to “back down. Change the Senate rules and confirm them all next week. - Bill Kristol

"Trump faces charges whose maximum sentences add up to a staggering 712 years and 6 months in prison."

But we should not be vindictive and be satisfied if he only serves half as long. - Mark Hamill

Republican Shenanigans

Vladimir Putin blames the Biden Administration for the barbaric Hamas attack on Israel.

Guess who else blames our President?


Any questions? - JoJoFromJerz

Jack Smith Asked Judge To Protect Jurors.

Women raped and defiled. Children snatched. Babies beheaded. A post-Holocaust world that vowed 'never again' has now witnessed the slaughter of Jews... 

How in hell could anyone defend these monsters? - Molly Ploofkins


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Rock The Voter News

Thank god Biden is the President right now and not the guy rambling about how windmills are driving the whales crazy. - BlackKnight10K

Uh, Oh, Rona. Is It Possible That You Can Tell The Truth?
Fulton County prosecutors are seeking the testimony of Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones at the upcoming 2020 election interference trial for two of former President Trump’s co-defendants in Georgia, according to newly filed court documents. 

QAnon Fears R.F.K., Jr., Will Take Votes Away from J.F.K., Jr. - Andy Borowitz

Someone took a screenshot of one of my tweets and emailed it to my work demanding they fire me. It eventually ended up on the CEO’s desk. After long discussion with the CEO, which is me, I chose to not fire myself.


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Business/Tech News

Republicans will eventually ban the Bible from public schools because it does not explicitly demand tax cuts for billionaires. - Middle Age Riot

Hamas Hackers? Or Putin?

President Biden:  “In this moment, we must be crystal clear.  We stand with Israel.”



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The 1,600-year-old Sümela Monastery in Trabzon, Türkiye was originally a Greek Orthodox monastery. I imagine you rappel to gain access.


1 comment:

  1. I'd imagine that hole in the cliff-face has something to do with it...
    or I'd guess that they cut a tunnell from the far side (more buildings there) where we can't see it.
