Friday, July 7, 2023

McEnany breaks with Trump: ‘No way’ cocaine at White House is Hunter Biden’s

Former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany threw cold water on the suggestion the cocaine found at The White House over the holiday weekend could have belonged to

I almost had a heart attack. Kayleigh McEnany spoke the truth! What is going on? - Piyush Mittal tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

I promise you, mark my words:

When Trump dies, a sect of his followers will form to say he rose from the dead and is their messiah. - Tennesseine tweet

Meanwhile, Back In Ukraine...
Russia could stage an explosion at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant to halt Ukrainian advances on the battlefield, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy warned in a wide-ranging new interview with ABC News that was previewed on "World News with David Muir" on Thursday.

You think it's bad when billionaires buy social media sites, just wait till you find out what happens when they buy elections and Supreme Court justices. - Crewcrew tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Boebert Versus Greene Eclipses Musk Versus Zuckerberg As Nation’s Most Eagerly Awaited Cage Fight. - Andy Borowitz

Marjorie 3 Names Removed By Freedom Caucus. LOL.

Marjorie Taylor Greene getting expelled from the Freedom Caucus for calling Lauren Boebert a “little bitch” is like getting kicked out of the Klan for using the n-word during a cross-burning.  - Michael Harriot tweet

Who cares if there was some coke at the White House my god. 

It was a small bag…people are acting like they discovered Hunter digging an El Chapo tunnel and Jill Biden was hauling in kilos. - Yashir Ali tweet


The GOP Will Be As Successful Investigating Cocaine in the White House As They Were Investigating Benghazi

Donald Trump Jr. is even more desperate for his father to return to the White House now that he's heard there might be some cocaine there. - Middle Age Riot


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Business/Tech News

Everyone knows what Mark Zuckerberg has wrought.

You shouldn’t trust him with anything, let alone a new social media site.

Feel like I’m taking crazy pills. - Jared Yates Sexton tweet

The War On Christmas Has Started Early This Year
"Store Closing" and "Everything Must Go" signs were seen in windows of the Christmas Tree Shops location in Orange on Friday morning as the chain began its liquidation sales across all of its stores. 

“Worms don't know that humans who pass by are intelligent, so no reason to think humans would know if alien super-race did same”
- Neil deGrasse Tyson


No word on the house offer, yet. Sigh.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Heavenly pit, world's deepest sinkhole is in China.


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