Friday, June 30, 2023

SCOTUS rules for web designer who refused to work on gay weddings

The Supreme Court's conservative majority ruled Friday that a Christian graphic artist who wants to design wedding websites can refuse to work with same-sex couples.

Our children are not going to thank us for the world we're leaving them. - Stonekettle tweet

At some point we have to talk about how one third of the Supreme Court was appointed by a guy who is indicted for espionage. - Andrea Junker tweet

Shouldn’t be lost that Clarence Thomas secretly accepted $150,000 in tuition payments from rightwing billionaire Harlan Crow…but he just voted to strike down loan forgiveness for students who don’t have a Supreme Court position to sell for favors. - Kaivan Shroff tweet

Republicans Love To Rub Salt In Wounds
Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) suggested on Thursday that young students should look to “role models who didn’t need affirmative action” after the Supreme Court decided to effectively end affirmative action in college admissions. 

I’m putting a sign up in my flower shop that says, “If you’re an evangelical Christian, I won’t sell to you, talk to you or acknowledge you.  Get the f out of my shop.” - SethMcFarland87 tweet


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Rock The Voter News

Justice Alito accepted tens of thousands of dollars in lavish vacation gifts from a billionaire who lobbied to cancel the student loan forgiveness.

After the gifts, Alito voted to overturn. This SCOTUS’ corruption undercuts its own legitimacy by putting its rulings up for sale. - Rep.  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweet

She warned us in 2016

Biden Needs To Throw A Hail Mary Pass

So we’re clear:

The Supreme Court ended affirmative action yesterday by saying you CAN’T discriminate by helping a minority group, then turned around today and said you CAN discriminate by hurting them. - Mike Jollett tweet


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Business/Tech News

Musk v Zuck: The Colosseum, Seriously? Yes, Seriously.

Today the Supreme Court (I use that term ironically) decreed that student debt relief is unconstitutional, but discrimination isn’t. What a f-cked up time to be alive. - aintscarylarry tweet



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

This Highlands of Scotland scene probably looked close to the same 200 years ago.

Have a Lovely, Peaceful Weekend, Everyone. 

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