Thursday, June 29, 2023

End of affirmative action is step backward, civil rights leaders say

The 6-3 decision on race-based admissions overturned decades of legal precedent and could have long-term effects on...

Just a casual reminder that in 1869 it was decided to have 9 Supreme Court justices because there were 9 Circuit Courts. 

Now there are 13 Circuit Courts. So what exactly are we waiting for? - Andrea Junker tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

F's in the chat for every United States postal worker who has to cover the Sunday shift for his lazy-ass Christian co-worker sitting on his couch watching a Packers game this year. - Liam Nissan tweet

MTG Is A Wannabe Scarlett O'Hara 

Welcome to America, 
where ppl opposing Affirmative Action 
(bc they don't want a level playing field for minority ppl)
defend the Electoral College 
(bc they want a level playing field for minority states) - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

LOL. Mike Pence gets points for being the first GOP candidate to  quote MLK on the affirmative action ruling. My head is just shaking like a bobble head. - Victoria Brownworth tweet

Former Republican Ohio House Speaker Sentenced to 20 Years In Prison

The leading Republican candidate for president is a major national security threat and, for good measure, apparently lusted after his own daughter...but by all means, let's discuss whether Biden uses a CPAP machine to help him breathe easier while he sleeps. - David Rothkopf 

Obama: Affirmative action "allowed generations of students like Michelle and me to prove we belonged"

CNN Is Getting Desperate For Bad News About Biden 

Republicans dream of inventing a time machine to go back and stop Obama from getting into Harvard. - Schooley tweet


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Business/Tech News

I’m scared af of Jack Smith and I’ve never even committed a crime. - Captain Obvious tweet

Whew, Our Money Is Safe. 🙄
All 23 US banks that participated in a new Federal Reserve stress test would be able to withstand a severe global recession, demonstrating the strength of the biggest financial institutions at a time when the banking industry still is on uncertain ground.

“Deeming race irrelevant in law does not make it so in life.” 
     -Ketanji Brown Jackson



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Say hello to a bat eared fox from the savanna in Africa, although he looks as though he is in someone's backyard.


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