Friday, January 6, 2023

Trump sued by partner of Capitol police officer who died after January 6 attack

Lawsuit filed by Sandra Garza alleges ex-president's 'campaign of lies' played a 'significant role' in the death of Brian Sicknick.

There is NO coincidence that the 20 GOP holdouts are also among the most vocal supporters of the Jan. 6 insurrection. - Brian J. Karem tweet

I remember how naive I was early in the Obama administration thinking if only he would negotiate a little harder and make a few more concessions to Republicans, how much more he could get done. I was so wrong. Republicans exist only to break the government. - BlackKnight10K tweet

Let Us Not Forget What They Did

Is It Possible That Our Red Nuke Button Could Malfunction?
A Russian hacking team known as Cold River targeted three nuclear research laboratories in the United States this past summer, according to internet records reviewed by Reuters and five cyber security experts.

2 years ago Capitol was attacked. Man who incited it is now running unopposed for Republican nomination for President. His co-conspirators in Congress are now deciding on next Speaker and on what terms. None have been prosecuted. - Robert Reich tweet


Republican Shenanigans

Jan 6 2021 coup: Use Trump terrorists — from around the country — to assault the Capitol and halt congressional business 

Jan 6 2023 coup: Use Trump terrorists — who are elected Members — to assault the Capitol and halt congressional business

Same sh*t. Different year. = Lindy Li tweet

Republicans Extend Their Circus To Jan 6.

Another Conservative Pervert 
American Conservative Union leader Matt Schlapp has been accused of groping the crotch of a male former staffer who worked on Herschel Walker’s Senate campaign.

Today’s Matt Schlapp revelations make me think his recent Christmas party with Matt Gaetz & Kavanaugh in attendance would probably make Caligula blush. - Noel Casler


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Rock The Voter News

“I’m gonna punch him out and I’m gonna go to jail and I’m gonna be happy”
- Nancy Pelosi on Jan 6, 2021

Famous Rock Band Accuses Trump's Former Spiritual Adviser Of Theft. Glory, Glory Hallelujah!

Seems like a good day to remind everyone that in 1861, 11 senators and 3 representatives refused to accept Lincoln's electoral victory and they were expelled straight the f*ck from Congress. and today, the insurrectionists are running the show. what the certified f*ck. - Jeff Tiedrich


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Business/Tech News

CNN's Jake Tapper keeps referring to the Never Kevin Republicans as "rebels." They are not "rebels." They are pro-Insurrection, pro-Putin, anti-Democracy, anti-LGTBTQ, anti-women, pro-school shooting obstructionists. - Dash Dobrofsky tweet

Another Crypto Dream Crushed
A bankruptcy judge has dashed the dreams of investors hoping to retrieve their crypto funds from Celsius. It turns out, assets placed in the now-defunct crypto exchange’s high interest “Earn Accounts” belong to Celsius, not the account holders, according to a Wednesday ruling from Judge Martin Glenn.

Lord, give me the confidence of a mediocre white man who moves furniture into the Speaker's office before he's got the votes. - John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The weekly tradition of preparing to howl in TGIF.


1 comment:

  1. Just a nit here regarding the "You curse too much" meme; the correct syntax should be "Stares Motherfuckedly." Just saying...
