Thursday, January 5, 2023

Kevin McCarthy Loses EIGHTH Bid For House Speaker

Kevin McCarthy Loses EIGHTH Bid For House Speaker
The 118th session of Congress entered its third day on Tuesday, though the proceedings of the House remain paralyzed until a Speaker is successfully voted in and swears the remaining members into office. McCarthy’s bid for the job has been repeatedly undermined as he attempts to negotiate with the hard-line Republican holdouts who’ve so far prevented him from reaching the 218 votes he needs.

Eight speaker ballots. Eight. I expect the Marquis de Sade to be nominated for speaker.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. - Rep. Adam Schiff

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans
Think the coup attempt isn’t ongoing? The twenty morons who currently have the House crippled are criminals who asked Donald Trump for a pardon. This isn’t political. It’s criminal. - Jack Hopkins tweet

Of course the House republicans are unable to even elect a Speaker. They’re terrorists, not legislators. - Scary Larry tweet

Republican Shenanigans

This would never happen to Nancy D'Alesandro Pelosi. - Rep. Ada, Schiff

Uh, Oh. Elon Musk Jinxed Kevin McCarthy


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Rock The Voter News

Nancy Pelosi said it best, 'Thank God Republicans were not in the majority on January 6th'.

Yep, COVID Is Still Changing

Calling it “An Embarrassment,” Vladimir Putin Resigns From Republican Party. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

Scientists Believe Earth Will Achieve Net Zero Carbon Emissions Before Kevin McCarthy is Elected Speaker. - Andy Borowitz

So, How's It Going Over At Twitter?

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