Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Trump Pleads the Fifth Over 400 Times, Rages at New York AG’s ‘Witch Hunt’ In New Deposition Video

Trump Pleads the Fifth Over 400 Times, Rages at New York AG’s ‘Witch Hunt’ In New Deposition Video
A newly-obtained video shows former President Donald Trump railing at New York Attorney General Letitia James (D-NY) while repeatedly refusing to refusing to answer questions under the Fifth Amendment.

The mob takes the Fifth Amendment,” Donald Trump said in 2016. “If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?


 Your reminder that the email lady testified under oath for 11 straight hours and never once invoked the fifth amendment. - Jeff Tiedrich tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Well, we finally know what it would take for Fox News to *NOT* take the side of cops who just killed an unarmed black man. - John Fugelsang

Apparently, Mar-a-Lago Uses Rent-a-Cop Security
Court filings from the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida revealed that another person was arrested for sneaking into Mar-a-Lago where former President Donald Trump lives.
The man, 25-year-old Joshua Warnock was observed entering the area on Sunday, Jan. 8, 2023, at approximately 12 p.m. and "walking up the pool deck staircase adjacent to the family suite."

The fact that there’s even a small possibility that Donald Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greene could be in charge of the nuclear football is the most frightening thing I can think of. - MayoIsSpicyy tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Rep. George Santos is too much of a liar for the Republican Party, which is like being too tall to play basketball, too wet to be a fish, or too dumb to wear a MAGA hat. - Middle Age Riot

I Raise My Glass To Toast The GOP Investigations: May You Be As Successful As Benghazi!
House Republicans will push their long-planned investigations into the spotlight this week with hearings on the U.S.-Mexico border and COVID-19 relief spending programs, providing a first glimpse of how GOP leaders will use the biggest tools they have against Democrats and the Biden administration — and how they will set the tone for the 2024 election cycle.

The GOP & the NRA remind you we've got a mental illness problem, not an AR-15 problem.

Oh, and the mentally ill should totally be able to buy AR-15s. - John Fugelsang


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Rock The Voter News

Today, I signed the PRO Act into law.
Your reproductive freedom will stay protected in Minnesota. - Gov. Tim Walz tweet

American "Healthcare" Is A Scam
In 2021, the U.S. spent 17.8 percent of GDP on health care, nearly double the average of 9.6 percent for high-income countries, according to a new report from The Commonwealth Fund. Health care spending per capita in the U.S. was three or four times greater than for countries like South Korea, New Zealand and Japan.

America has become a reality show called "Food, Medicine, Rent - Pick 2." - John Fugelsang



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Business/Tech News

Donald Trump was never going to get along with anything called "the intelligence community." - Middle Age Riot

The EPA Chooses Alaskan Salmon Over Mine

I'm pitching my new NPR Biblical quiz show "Wait Wait Don't Smite Me." - John Fugelsang


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