Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Just 18 percent in new poll say GOP control will change Washington for better

Less than 1 in 5 Americans in a new poll said they believe GOP control of the House next Congress will change Washington for the better.
Eighteen percent of respondents in a Monmouth University Poll released on Wednesday said that Republicans — who are set to take control of the House next month after securing a majority in November’s midterm elections — will produce a positive change in the lower chamber.

Germany just arrested 25 coup plotters. Brazil just arrested 49 coup plotters.

Donald Trump is still holding rallies to overthrow the government.

Make America Great Again! Arrest Donald Trump! - Captain Obvious tweet

Trump posted this today

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

They are seriously still more afraid of masks in schools than AR-15s. - John Collins tweet

Sandy Hook: Ten Years Later

Jimmy Kimmel: "If he ever runs short of wrapping paper, does [Barack] ever wrap the gifts in top secret documents he borrowed from the White House?" 

Michelle Obama: "We don't have any ... And if we had, I guarantee you my husband would be in somebody's jail by now."

Republican Shenanigans

Twitter reportedly is not paying vendors, auctioning off assets, has not paid rent on HQ or global offices for weeks, refused to pay $192K for a Musk charter flight, is considering not paying severance to thousands laid off, does it sound like Elon Musk is the new Donald Trump? - Don Lewis tweet

Republican Abortion Bans Cause More Deaths. Duh.

If you think Mike Pence is any less corrupt than Donald Trump lemme remind you that he was hand-picked for the vice presidency by convicted Russian collaborator Paul Manafort. - Liam Nissan tweet

I like how Joe Biden never asks us to “find” him more votes. - John Collins tweet

White House Celebrates Respect For Marriage Act

I’m still so damn proud of my vote for Joe Biden and I’m so happy that he’s our President right now. - Ricky Davila tweet

Is This True?


Click here to visit Wattensaw Press


World Shocked That Man Running Business Based On Imaginary Money Might Be Fraud. - Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

Musk has lost more than $85 billion of his current stake in Tesla since buying Twitter. It turns out that owning the libs is expensive. - Molly Ploofkins tweet

Elon Musk Should Be Charged Next...

If the government warned us that space aliens were invading Earth, 35% of Americans would say, "No their not." - Sundae Divine tweet



Twenty two years ago today I bought the domain name and .com

I started this website because my vote was never recounted in the 2000 election, thanks to Jeb Bush and his merry band of election interferers.  Jeb purged over 40,000 black voters before that election, too.

All these years later, we are still suffering from the consequences of that election. Jeb's brother W brought the USA to its knees after starting two wars, tax cuts for the rich and crashed the economy. 

The USA voters said enough and welcomed the first black president, Barack Obama to the White House and he gave us Obamacare and the Republicans spent eight years trying to overturn it. Oh, and don't get me started on Benghazi.

Then, Republicans honed their lying skills to an accommodating media and we ended up with more mass shootings,  more tax cuts for the rich,  and Trump for four years. But the USA voters rejected Trump and put a sane man in the White House.

Twenty two years later and Biden is doing a helluva job cleaning up Trump's mess, as Obama cleaned up Bush's mess, as Clinton cleaned up Reagan and Papa Bush's 12 year mess.

So what I am saying folks, is that Democrats have saved this country time and time again by getting out and voting in spite of all the barriers Republicans have constructed.

On this 22nd year of AllHatNoCattle, I can say I have never been prouder to be a member of the Democratic Party.

Thank you all for 22 wonderful years. I'd hope for 22 more but that would be pushing it!


1 comment:

  1. The moon does not have a dark side. It is merely tidally locked to the Earth. So one side always faces the Earth but both sides get sunshine, Duh!
