Tuesday, December 13, 2022

At least 34 members of Congress texted Mark Meadows to declare willingness to participate in coup

At least 34 members of Congress texted Mark Meadows to declare willingness to participate in coup
In the lead up to January 6, former chief of staff Mark Meadows communicated with at least 34 Republican members of Congress involved in...

Mark Meadows is the reluctant Deep Throat of the insurrection. - Eileen McLaughlin tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Your reminder — Ginni Thomas is still receiving security protection from the very same government she tried to overthrow. - JoJoFromJerz tweet

California Governor Wants Immigration Reform & Federal Help
California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) visited the southern border on Monday and afterward offered some stern words of caution to his fellow Democrats making federal immigration policy...“The federal government is sending more and more flights, and more and more buses directly here to California because this state is doing what no other state’s doing and that’s absorbing and protecting and preserving our values and advancing them by doing health care screenings, and taking care of folks, and the more we do, the burden is placed disproportionately on us,” Newsom told ABC’s Matt Guttman in an interview at the border.

holy f*cking sh*t, tesla stock is crashing and burning faster than an actual tesla. - Jeff Tiedrich

I’ve been diagnosed with Woke Mind Virus.

The symptoms are mild so far.

Pray for me. - John Collins tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Is Roger Stone Taking Psychedelic Drugs?

Trump wouldn’t come back to Twitter so Elon decided to play the role himself. - Judd Legum tweet


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Rock The Voter News

Still waiting for Republicans to give President Biden credit for plummeting gas prices and dropping inflation. - Jack Cocchiarella tweet

Ugh. Gag Me With A Spoon.

Republicans: "Lock her up!"

Also Republicans: "No matter what Donald Trump did, if you lock him up, there will be civil war." - Middle Age Riot


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Business/Tech News

To the right wing nut jobs who said SBF would never be prosecuted by the DOJ cuz he donated to Democrats:

We await your apology

That means you, Elon. - Lindy Li tweet

Daaaaaamn, Scientists Make A Discovery Bigger Than Electricity
In an experiment last week, using a process called inertial confinement fusion, in which a pellet of hydrogen plasma is bombarded by the world’s biggest laser, researchers at the lab in Livermore, Calif., were able to produce more energy than they put into the laser, the first time this has ever been achieved.

On this day in 1636, the Massachusetts Bay Colony raises three regiments of militia. Together, they represent America's first attempt at an army.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
When sperm whales need a nap, they take a deep breath, dive down about 45 feet and arrange themselves into perfectly-level, vertical patterns. I had no idea.


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