Friday, October 14, 2022

New footage shows congressional leadership at Fort McNair on January 6, scrambling to save the US Capitol

New footage shows congressional leadership at Fort McNair on January 6, scrambling to save the US Capitol
Never-before-seen footage, obtained exclusively by CNN, shows in vivid new detail how congressional leaders fled the US Capitol on January 6 and transformed a nearby military base into a command center, where they frantically coordinated with Vice President Mike Pence and Trump Cabinet members to quell the insurrection and finish certifying the 2020 election. 

I love how Josh Hawley was running out of the Capitol the same time Nancy Pelosi was putting on hand wraps and tape looking for Donald Trump. - Tony Posnanski

Donald Trump could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone, except he wouldn't because Nancy Pelosi would slap the gun out of his hand. - Jeff Tiedrich


Putin Says What? 

SHOCKING BUT TRUE: During their eight years together in the White House, Barack Obama never once tried to incite an angry mob to lynch Joe Biden. - Middle Age Riot

Nancy Pelosi had 5 children in something like 7 years and that's all I can think about when I see her being calm under literal siege. - Natalie Jennings tweet

The Dumbing Down Of Mississippi's Children Continues...

I’m gonna help MAGA out since they are already clutching their pearls over Pelosi’s comment about wanting to punch Trump out on 1/6/21. If you *didn’t* want to punch Trump out on January 6th, you are not an actual patriot. And your guy sent a mob of armed terrorists to KILL HER. - Andrew Wortman

'I'm gonna punch him out and I'm gonna go to jail and I'm gonna be happy' -- 
well said, Speaker Pelosi.

Roger Stone Is So Mad, He's Shaking In This Video. Also, Why Did Stone Call Ivanka an Abortionist?
Unreleased subpoenaed footage: Stone angry that Trump didn’t grant him a second pardon melts down calling Ivanka Trump - abortionist bitch daughter.

Roger Stone's angry, expletive-filled phone call re: Jarvanka after he learned he wasn't being granted a 2nd (!) pardon means he knew he was being stiffed for services rendered (Proud Boys) which is a Trump family hallmark. - Noel Casler

Nancy Pelosi wasn’t hysterical or emotional during Jan. 6. She was cool and collected, determined to save our democracy. No plates or ketchup hurled.

Strong, wise women leaders. We need more of them in the U.S. - George Takei


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Business/Tech News

Musk and Trump are both shamefully petty and vindictive. - 7veritas4 tweet

Elon Musk's Conduct Over Twitter Is Being Investigated.  Good.
Elon Musk is being investigated by federal authorities over his conduct in his $44 billion takeover deal for Twitter Inc, the social media company said in a court filing released on Thursday.

Elon Musk is Henry Ford. - Paul Massaro tweet




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
I posted this 7 years ago. The unbroken seal on Tutankhamun's tomb, 1922.  Is that a slip knot?


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