Thursday, October 13, 2022

Jan. 6 panel to subpoena Trump

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. House Jan. 6 Committee planned to vote Thursday to subpoena former President Donald Trump to testify,...

Not even traitor hack stooge justice Clarence Thomas will help Donald now. Today is a good day. - Randi Mayem Singer

The Pelosi footage on Jan 6 was chilling. She truly is a great leader. Chuck Schumer, too!

Apparently, The Libertarian Party of New Hampshire Is Funded By Putin

Republican Shenanigans

Meghan McCain is attacking Fetterman for using captions

Her father John McCain suffered from brain cancer for over a year as a Senator & died in office

He also arguably saved Obamacare

Today’s Republican Party doesn’t just have an empathy deficit

It’s missing a goddamn soul. - Lindy Li

The Man Without Morals Will Soon Be The Man Without Money
A jury decided Wednesday afternoon that Infowars founder Alex Jones must pay $965 million for spewing lies that the 2012 Sandy Hook elementary school shooting was a hoax and that the grieving parents involved were paid actors...But in a livestream that aired as the jury’s verdict was read out, Jones showed no remorse, instead mocking jurors and the Sandy Hook parents who wept as the damages were read out.

May Alex Jones be a glimpse of the hell to come for Donald Trump. - Sari Beth Rosenberg

This wasn’t an “intelligence failure.” It was enabling of a coup through inaction by multiple agencies in the executive branch including *sworn law enforcement officials* who took an oath to uphold the Constitution. Sickening. - Asha Rangappa tweet


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Rock The Voter News

Democrats just increased your monthly Social Security check by 8.7%. Republicans want to abolish Social Security. any questions. - Jeff Tiedrich

AOC Blames $28 Taco Bell Meal Claim On The Munchies

Paul Begala referring to Fox News' decision to shame Joe Biden's call to Hunter: "Addiction is a disease, not a character flaw. Cruelty is a character flaw." Bingo.


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Business/Tech News

“Find me 11,780 votes.”

That phone call alone should put his fat ass in jail. - Joe Walsh

Water, water, everywhere,
Nor any drop to drink.
A $140 million desalination plant is expected to be approved by California regulators on Thursday as the U.S. state contends with how to convert ocean water into drinking water amid the worst drought in 1,200 years.

As a German, I find the political situation in the United States very stressful. How hard must it be for the American people??? - Sidney W tweet


1 comment:

  1. Nice Fall colors on that Sasquatch...
    don't wanna be around when they start fallin', tho.
    Who wants to see a naked 'Squatch?!?

