Friday, September 9, 2022

Georgia probe into Trump examines chaplain's role in election meddling

Chaplain Steve Lee as seen in police body camera footage outside the home of election worker Ruby Freeman on Dec. 15, 2020, in Cobb County, Georgia. SOURCE: COBB COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT

Georgia election worker Ruby Freeman didn’t recognize the man who banged on her door. Terrified, she called 911. She had reason to fear...

On this day in 1776, the Continental Congress drops the name "United Colonies" and adopts the catchier sounding "United States of America."

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Putin Says He is Losing War in Ukraine Because FBI Seized Stuff He Needed. - Andy Borowitz

So, How Are Things Going In Pennsylvania?

Subject: Your reaction to the queen's death

I was surprised that you were kind about the queen's death since your last name is Irish. Why?

I still love your website, regardless.

Mary Mahoney 

Hi Mary, 

Thank you for writing. So, you think my remarks were kind. You asked why -- I was being respectful on the day of her death. She was a remarkable woman loved by her country and many across the world.

I am not Irish, my husband was, pure Irish. My mother-in-law generously supported the IRA until they started blowing up innocent people. But her hatred of the Brits was clear and deservedly so. She often said that Winston Churchill was the only good Brit. 

So, Mary, I hope you don't think I am a British monarchy fan.  Although, I greatly admired Diana and now, her son, Harry.  Truth be told, I much prefer the talented Queen Latifah.

Artist formerly known as Prince

Yes, it's an important story and history in the making, but I'm a little confused why Queen/King discussions are the sole news story 24/7 when the former President of the United States stole and possibly sold nuclear secrets to our enemies and is still golfing. - Randi Mayem Singer

Watching Trump fail and humiliate himself brings me joy. - Mayo tweet

Republican Shenanigans

I hate to break it to anyone who thinks the jokes are tasteless but people have been joking about monarchs dying for like forever. - helen tweet

Does Hillary Know Something We Don't About Melania?

Considering Judge Aileen Cannon's abuse of the judicial system, perhaps we need judges to go through a probation period before a lifetime appointment kicks in. That way if they lie during their confirmation hearing or show extreme bias in their first 5 years, they can be removed. - Henry M. Rosenberg tweet

Steve Bannon Denies Money Laundering: "I Have Never Laundered Anything In My Life" - Andy Borowitz


Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

The way Trump views SCOTUS-and judges in general-elections/ how outcomes should be decided, and the way the GOP supports his views, we need to use the term “cult” less frequently, and begin an earnest transition to the use of “CARTEL.” It’s grown closer to a cartel, than a cult. - Jack Hopkins tweet

Hillary Is Letting It All Hang Out
Host Andy Cohen asked Hillary Clinton, “What U.S. senator is or was the biggest blowhard?”

Aaaaandd Chelsea Clinton Throws In Her Two Cents
The daughters of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump shared a public friendship until the 2016 election.

I think the Queen would want us all to live the way she did, with free public housing, basic universal income, and full government health care. - Spacejunc tweet


Thank you so much!


Side Note: Tomorrow is my 73rd birthday. No birthday candles on my cake. I'm afraid of large fires.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Basalt columns in Iceland.



  1. I wish you the happiest of birthdays! My smart-ass kids insist on putting the appropriate number of candles on my cake. I'm 68 now and wish they'd stop doing that-not sure the fire extinguisher can handle the huge flames.

  2. Didn't the artist do a song about reign?
