Thursday, September 8, 2022

Almost half say Trump should face charges in connection with seized documents: poll

Almost half say Trump should face charges in connection with seized documents: poll
A new poll reveals that almost half of those surveyed — 47 percent — said former President Trump did something illegal or unethical in the wake of documents being seized from his home in Florida and should be charged with a crime.

Donald Trump is going to be in prison before his picture ever hangs in the White House. - Erie Siobhan tweet 


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I’m really enjoying unfollowing all the people who seem to be delighting in a woman’s death and her family’s and nation’s pain. This isn’t the time to prove how far left you are. = Rachel Vindman tweet

Hey, Media, Biden Is The Commander-in-Chief, Don't Ya Know?
President Biden sparked debate about his own adherence to political norms during his speech last week warning of GOP attacks on democracy, when the White House placed two Marines in the backdrop of his high-profile address from Philadelphia.

Because Ford pardoned Nixon (today 1974), we saw the disgusting spectacle of an ex-President (Nixon) gloating to David Frost (falsely) in 1977, "When the President does it, that means that it is not illegal."
Americans have been paying for Ford's act ever since -- especially now. - Michael Beschloss

Everything Trump touches is under criminal investigation except for Ivana. 

Republican Shenanigans

Steve Bannon stole money from racists. maybe that's a public service. I'm f*cking conflicted. - Jeff Tiedrich

Hello Handmaid's Tale: Alabama Now Jailing Women To Protect The Fetus.

As Steve Bannon entered the courtroom or arraignment today: “They will never shut me up, they’ll have to kill me first.”

I’m so GD tired of Christians making their religion my problem. - dutchessprim tweet


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Rock The Voter News

When I First Read This I Thought He Must Be A Republican. Wrong, This Murderer Is A Democrat.

Obamas Waited To Have Portraits Hung In White House So Trump Couldn't Steal Them. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

I did an interview for my book today and the guy asked me, “Who was smarter, Carter or Reagan?” That’s an easy one. Carter built people homes. Reagan made people homeless. - Andy Borowitz

California Burning 💔

The Justice Department has just confirmed it is appealing Judge Cannon’s ruling regarding appointing a special master in the Mar-a-Lago search case. - Kaitlyn Collins, CNN



Thank you so much!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I didn't know a Teddy Bear Sunflower existed.


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