Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Good morning. Deep apologies for any humor inconvenience.

Today I am closing my husband's accounts.

I am not sure what is more difficult, the emotional rollercoaster or all the walking I am having to do. What I am saying is that I am mentally and physically spent. Thank God for my wonderful friends and family and you all, too.

My friends are slowly bringing my property to reflect some of its former glory, basically cosmetic work for the most part. Lots of doors off their hinges, no doorknobs, broken door mouldings for whatever reason,  sigh. All locks are changed as the former evicted tenants are not to be trusted. They left without paying hundreds in utility bills. I paid $150 to have all their junk hauled away. Just shoot me.

My "grandson" and his friend are staying there behind locked gates doing repairs and painting. The plus for them is they can surf as the ocean is minutes away.

I also have friends who live in the area who are keeping an eye on things and rumors. lol

The realtor meeting went well, they live in the area and knew my husband. They understand. My son has been so wonderful throughout all of this painful telenovela. And my friends...pure gold.

I will post some pix later of a sign I changed on the front gate from Casa Casey to Casa de Karma. UPDATE: I will post that pic asap.

Thank you for visiting,


P.S. Trump will look good in an orange jumpsuit, won't he?

Peace & Love.


  1. Anybody who has ANY problem of you doing what you need to is
    an a$$hole who shouldn't be on the site anyway!


  2. (Shoot.. that was RandomTroll [grin])

  3. I know in the end Trump will be forgiven like Nixon.

  4. You needn't apologize for anything. This is your community, and your loyal readers (of which, I am certainly one!) appreciate what you do. If there is a way we can help you with this - emotionally or financially - please let us know.
