Thursday, April 21, 2022

Manhattan DA’s Star Witness: Indict Trump Now or I’m Out

Manhattan DA’s Star Witness: Indict Trump Now or I’m Out
If Manhattan prosecutors don’t indict former President Donald Trump with the grand jury they’ve got in the next nine days, the key witness investigators have used to build their entire case says he won’t help revive it in the future.

Whenever I hear Michael Cohen's name, I think of this video

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

I want to wake up in a world where evil does not win. - Barbara Malmet tweet

Will Liz Cheney Make A Presidential Run? Of Course She Will.
Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky are among the five recipients to be presented with the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award this year.

Republican Shenanigans

Folks are ripping Masked Singer for having Rudy on, but that sh*t was a brilliant plan to finally get a Republican to wear a mask. - George Wallace tweet

City of Dallas Suing Bossman Bubba & a Baptist Church

Cancel culture is killing us, he said, while squirting lighter fluid on a math textbook. - Taunt the Elephant

Florida Repeals Laws of Addition and Multiplication. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

I'm really tired of hearing we've lost an election that hasn't happened yet. - Kona Lowell

Apparently Putin Is Still Paying Tulsi Gabbard
Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) sent cease and desist letters on Wednesday to former MSNBC anchor Keith Olbermann and Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), both of whom have criticized Gabbard for shilling for Russia during its invasion of Ukraine.

Stephen Colbert talks about the DeSantis-Mouse feud, and points out that not only is Disney the largest private employer in the state but also "Disney is also they only reason anyone goes to Florida."


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Business/Tech News

My only Netflix stock take is that maybe it isn't actually smart to base our entire financial system on the belief that everything needs to grow constantly forever to have any value. - jelenawoehr tweet

CNN+ Is Now CNN-

1 comment:

  1. re: Nad Al Sheba III; yes they need trees and GPS just to find their clone apartment. I thought I was looking at a circuit board.
