Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Manchin on Biden's spending bill: 'No negotiation going on'

The West Virginia senator thinks Democrats would be better off focusing on climate provisions in their wide-ranging megabill.

Mister Rogers did not prepare me for all this BS today. - TG tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Since I am opposed to family separation I would support putting all the Trumps in one prison. - Andy Borowitz

Fundamentalist's Burning Shed May Have Caused Colorado Wildfire

Ivanka Trump Reportedly Begged Putin to Order Her Dad to Stop Capitol Attack. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Ron DeSantis claims Florida is a “Free State,” but he just had a man arrested for asking a question at his press conference. - Jack Cocchiarella

Grifters Gonna Grift

By Friday, Malaria will be auctioning off all the sh*t they stole from the White House. - Hoodlum tweet

Good time to remember that as a standard practice Trump businesses’ bank accounts typically have the same 5 signatories:

Donald Trump
Ivanka Trump
Donald Trump Jr.
Eric Trump
Allen Weisselberg  - Tristan Snell tweet


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Rock The Voter News

Jewish Space Laser Removes Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Account From Twitter. - Andy Borowitz


Nothing Will Change A Trumper. Nothing.

Jim Jordan spent 853 days, 33 hearings and millions of taxpayer dollars screaming about Benghazi.

But sure, he's very concerned about "politicized investigations" now that *he's* in trouble. - Jeff Sites who is running for Jim Jordan's seat


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Business/Tech News

Insurrectionist leader Agolf Twitler is calling on his cultists to leave Twitter and Facebook.

Please listen to him. - Ricky Davila

Apple Is Making China Very, Very Rich
Apple has reached yet another major milestone. The iPhone maker topped a market value of $3 trillion Monday — the first publicly traded company ever to be worth that much.

guy inventing chess: this is an allegory for the medieval system of monarchy

guy inventing checkers: hoppity hop, hop hop hop. - the hype tweet



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
This is Kefir, a cat that got famous because of its enormous size. He is 1 year and 9 months old now and weighs around 12kg / 26.5 pounds. I'm in love! Image credits: @yuliyamnn

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