Photos of Ted Cruz emerged on Twitter that purports to show the Texas Senator flying to Cancun, Mexico to escape the brutal and dangerous cold spell causing blackouts in his home state of Texas. The images were shared on Twitter on Wednesday night, while millions of Texas residents are currently without power as dangerously low temperatures wreak havoc.
Ted Cruz meant to fly to Austin, but the plane was hijacked to Cancun by the Green New Deal. - Middle Age Riot
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- Texas in turmoil and no one is taking responsibility: 'We are in the middle of a humanitarian crisis'
- Beto O'Rourke Blasts Texas GOP Leaders: Winter Disaster a Result of Electing 'Government Leaders Who Don't Believe in Government'
- Almost One-Third of US Troops Are Refusing COVID Vaccines, Officials Say
As the din of criticism intensifies against Ted Cruz for flying off to Cancun while Texans suffer, try to understand how badly he needs a nice vacation after his hard work aiding a violent insurrection. - Steven Beschloss
The most honest chyron Fox News ever put up on the screen in its 25 year history
Lest We Not Forget This Republican's Reaction To A Disaster on Sept. 7, 2005
As President Bush battled criticism over the response to Hurricane Katrina, his mother declared it a success for evacuees who "were underprivileged anyway," saying on Monday that many of the poor people she had seen while touring a Houston relocation site were faring better than before the storm hit.
I bet if Texas renamed their power grid to uterus, the state would be regulating the sh*t out of it. - Irishrygirl tweet
You guys do realize that Rick Perry, the guy who presided over the deregulation of the Texas power grid in 2002 ran our entire Department of Energy under Trump, right? - Alan
Republican Shenanigans
- Ron DeSantis Threatens To Pull Vaccines From Florida Counties That Criticize Distribution
- Fox & Friends Rails at NY Times for Calling Out Rush Limbaugh's Misogyny, Conspiracy Theories in His Obituary: 'So Sick'
- Critics Bristle as Rush Limbaugh's Death Prompts Nauseating Celebrations — Of His Life
- Trevor Noah Blasts Tucker Carlson, Fox News, Texas GOP for Pinning State's Power Crisis on AOC: 'F*cking Insane'
- Cheney: 'We've seen anti-Semitism, white supremacy, Holocaust denial' in both parties
- Sean Hannity's private plane and the Wake Forest tennis team: A morality fable
- Florida restaurant goes viral with 'face diapers not required' sign
"Don't speak ill of the dead."Well there goes History. - Eric Idle
The Barbarians At The House Gate
The U.S. Capitol Police are investigating two incidents related to the new metal detectors set up outside the House chamber: one involving a member of Congress potentially assaulting a police officer and the other involving a lawmaker trying to bring a gun onto the House floor.
Republicans have shown more sympathy for Rush Limbaugh than the 502,051 Americans who've died from Covid-19. - The Hardy Report
UPDATE: Rush Limbaugh is still dead. - Middle Age Riot
Rock The Voter News
- Pelosi says Biden immigration plan could be split up to pass Congress
- Pelosi says House panel to investigate Texas winter power outages
- NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Slams Gov. Cuomo on Morning Joe: 'The Bullying is Nothing New'
- NY Dem Says His Family Was 'Terrified' By Cuomo Intimidation: He 'Threatens Your Livelihood If You Don't Lie For Him'
Apparently, Everything Republicans Touch Dies Too.
The Lincoln Project is not saying whether any of the attorneys it hired to investigate allegations of impropriety by one of its co-founders had donated to the group in the past.
The fact that Rush Limbaugh had a career at all shows you how broken this country is, he made 85 million a year because he made racist white losers feel a little less alone. - Noel Casler
I'm mad at Ted Cruz for pushing Rush Limbaugh's death out of the news. - Jeff Tiedrich
Business/Tech News
- Jerry Jones’ natural gas company ‘hits jackpot’ as Texas freeze drives up prices
- 92 percent of NYC restaurants could not make December rent: survey
- Trump Complains Twitter ‘Harassed’ Him, Claims Parler ‘Really Wanted Me,’ Floats Creating His Own Site
- Groups launch $22 million effort to battle disinformation targeting Latinos
Anti-Jacketers Rally Outside Burlington Coat Factory To Protest Liberal Cold Weather Conspiracy. - The Onion
Walmart Is Raising Employee's Pay!
Walmart on Thursday announced that will it be raising the pay for 425,000 employees across the country.
Apparently America can put a man on the moon but Texas can't keep the lights on. Houston, we have a problem. - Dan Rather
My grandfather was a motorcycle police officer in Dubuque Iowa about a hundred years ago. Back then motorcycles were motorized bicycles at best, but it was a cool job. His proudest boast on that job was that he forced a Bugati to roll in a ditch in farm country while chasing it for speeding. My gramps was a BAMF