‘I don’t think most Americans, in their heart, want to be given something. I’ve spent a lot of time traveling around this country over the last four years. People want to work for what they get.’
IVANKA: "Daaaaddy, why are you being racism-ist again? You know it hurts my brand when you do that. You are SUCH a stinker. **nose boop** LOVE YOU, DADDY!" - Rex Huppke
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- Army Lets Slip That It's Conducting Secret Operation Around D.C.
- Iran CIA arrests: Trump denies claims that Iran nabbed 17 spies
- Ukrainian officials and Giuliani are sharing back-channel campaign information: report
- Israel razes Palestinian homes 'built too near barrier'
- Ex-BLM Chiefs Say Interior Is Moving to Transfer Land to States
- ACLU promises lawsuit over expedited immigrant removal expansion
The press pool has an obligation to call out Trump on his repeated lie about the money given back to Iran...- irishygirl tweet
Trump Wants These Women Physically Harmed
President Trump on Monday lashed out at the media, targeting The Washington Post in particular, as he remained fixated on coverage of his ongoing attacks on four progressive congresswomen.
In a series of tweets, the president claimed the "Mainstream Media" has "gone bonkers" and accused the media of pushing "Radical Left Democrat views."
Republican Shenanigans
- Trump says Mueller should not be allowed to testify about investigating possible obstruction of justice
- Trump Jr.'s book, 'Triggered,' to be published in November
- Giuliani warns Epstein case could 'implicate a lot of people'
- Behind Pence’s Air Force Two cancellation: A drug dealer
- Trump health official bashes public option as no better than 'Medicare for All'
- On his way to pay respects to late justice, Trump hurls insults at 'The Squad'
- Cop says Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez should be shot following Trump’s racist targeting of The Squad
- Miss Michigan defends controversial tweets that cost her title
- Comedian says he was punched in face by audience member after telling Trump-related joke
Hey guys call me crazy but I'm beginning to suspect that government of the racists by the racists and for the racists isn't really working out all that well for the rest of us. - Jeff Tiedrich
Trump Wants To Flaunt His Profiteering
President Trump is considering holding the Group of Seven economic summit next year at the Trump National Doral in Miami...President Trump does not directly run the Trump Organization, which he put into a trust controlled by his adult sons when he entered office in 2017.
As you read about Trump hosting the next G7 at his sh*tty omelet-bar-slash-golf-course, just keep in mind that the GOP would have impeached President Email Lady for having a hangnail. hey Nancy Pelosi, I'm pretty sure Trump isn't going to 'self-impeach,' so what the f*ck already - Jeff Tiedrich

I haven't heard anything from Sarah Sanders in the past few weeks. It's almost like she's still the Press Secretary. - Fake Dispatch tweet
Rock The Voter News
- Steyer calls on Pelosi to cancel 'six-week vacation' for Congress
- Warren warns that another economic downturn is coming
- Voice Of America Ignores Reasons For Trump’s Criticism Of Rep. Ilhan Omar
- Chelsea Clinton announces birth of third child
It’s crazy to me how Congress is set to go on an August recess soon knowing full well that Hope Hicks, Kellyanne CONway, Steven Mnuchin and other MAGA officials have committed numerous crimes with no accountability. Insane. - Ricky Davila
Karma For Khristians
Last week, Pastor E.W. Lucas put up the sign "America, I love it. If you don’t love it, leave it." at Friendship Baptist Church in Appomattox....On Sunday, the church was empty for it's 11 o'clock service.
How many girls does Donald Trump have to rape before he gets more coverage than Al Franken pretending to grab a boob? - Andrea Junker
Oh, No, Girl, Don't.
Anthony Weiner was seen moving back in with Huma Abedin over the weekend in New York City, pictured in exclusive DailyMail.com photos.

Business/Tech News
- Putin gives Russian citizenship to Novatek's finance chief, a U.S.national
- Report: Ross 'tends to fall asleep' in Commerce meetings
- Pence to push new NAFTA deal in visit to Iowa
- US hotels caught in fight over housing detained migrants
- Microsoft settles anti-bribery case for over $25 million
With 44 tweets about them in the past week alone, "The Squad" is officially living rent-free in Trump's head.
Ironically, they're the first people of color Trump's ever rented to. - Translate Trump tweet
I've Never Tried This Liquor Because a Gringo Called It Tico Moonshine
Costa Rica’s Health Ministry last week issued an alert over liquor that has been sold to the public containing deadly amounts of methanol.
Friday, the Health Ministry said it attributes 19 deaths in June and July to methanol poisoning, though the information is “preliminary as investigations continue.”
Some people complain that this is the hottest summer in the last 125 years, but I like to think of it as the coolest summer of the next 125 years! Glass half full! - Carter Bays tweet
The flu has returned, not as harsh as the first round.
Please forgive any mistakes.
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