Friday, June 21, 2019

Trump says he pulled back Iran strike because of potential death toll

Trump says he pulled back Iran strike because of potential death toll
The president said the strike would not have been 'proportionate' to Iran's attack on an unmanned drone.

"the dog ate my launch codes" would have been a much more credible excuse for calling off the attack. - Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

But hey, let’s not “rush” to impeach.
It’s not like trump might accidentally take us to war. - Philippe Reines

Some Republicans Clutch Their Pearls Over Iran
Congressional Republicans were divided Friday following President Donald Trump's decision to abort a planned missile strike against Iran for the downing of a U.S. drone.
"I’ll judge ultimately based on if there is a response, but if the response is no response then I think this is a mistake in pretty big proportions," said Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., a former Air Force pilot who sits on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. He added: "This was a direct attack on U.S. assets." 

We would be in better shape if Trump got his military orders from the Cartoon Network rather than from Fox News. - Roland Scahill

Republican Shenanigans

God Needs Help? Who Knew?

i hope this war with iran is over before barron is 18 or he's gonna get bone spurs - blaine capatch

How Women  Are Treated In Florida, America's Wang.
A woman was arrested at the Lakeland, FL Police Department headquarters after attempting to turn over guns belonging to her abusive husband while he awaited his release from jail on bail for a felony domestic violence charge. 

there once was a turtle named mitch  
who was really a son of a bitch 
In the Senate he’d muster A grand filibuster 
But he still had no neck

So f*ck him. - Bette Midler

Any reporter planning on attending Sarah Huckabee Sanders going away party, we’ll be outside with a camera taking photos of all of you and sharing them all over social media. Enjoy your cake. - John Aravosis


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Rep. John Lewis with a powerful defense of Joe Biden: "I don't think the remarks are offensive. During the height of the civil rights movement we worked with people and got to know people that were members of the klan...We never gave up on our fellow human being..."

Rock The Voter News

Just want to congratulate the New York Times for its wall-to-wall coverage of Hillary Clinton’s email server.

Children without soap sleeping on concrete floors without blankets are very proud of all the clicks you got. - Mike Jollett

Trump Kidnaps 250 More Kids And Leaves Them To Fend For Themselves.
A 2-year-old boy locked in detention wants to be held all the time. A few girls, ages 10 to 15, say they’ve been doing their best to feed and soothe the clingy toddler who was handed to them by a guard days ago. Lawyers warn that kids are taking care of kids, and there’s inadequate food, water and sanitation for the 250 infants, children and teens at the Border Patrol station.

Two-year-olds in detention. Children forced to take care of other children. Not enough food or water. 
Demand accountability from your Republican representatives for allowing this administration to cage children and keep them in unconscionable conditions. - Hillary Clinton

Private prison companies have spent millions to turn our criminal and immigration policies into ones that prioritize making them rich instead of keeping us safe—with terrible consequences. Today I’m announcing my plan to end this private profiteering off of cruelty. - Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren is right. I worked in a supermax prison in Milton, FL as a literacy teacher in 2001 to 2002. A few months before I arrived, Jeb Bush had privatized the food service. It was awful. The scent from their kitchen was not of this earth. He also cut the prison education system by 40% and gave that money to the Chaplaincy Services and they promptly built a 5 ft deep baptismal pool in the Chapel. Crap food but they get a one-time dip in the baptismal pool! Hallelujah Jeb!


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Business/Tech News

Right now Trump is drawing on lessons learned from his war with Rosie O’Donnell. - Andy Borowitz

LOL.You had to see the movie THE HELP to get this. If not, watch it.

Trump Threatens TIME Reporter
President Trump reportedly appeared to threaten a Time magazine reporter with prison time after a photographer tried to take a picture of a letter from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Time reports.


I wish! No more fundraisers! Are you there, George Soros?



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Kanchenjunga is the 3rd largest mountain located in the Himalayas. That facade looks like a hell of a ski jump.


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