Wednesday, May 29, 2019

This is the Nancy Pelosi I want to see

Pelosi Neither Deterred Nor Spurred By Mueller Statement: ‘Congress Will Continue to Investigate’
Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued a statement on Wednesday in response to retiring Special Counsel Robert Mueller‘s big news press conference...The Special Counsel’s report revealed that the President’s campaign welcomed Russian interference in the election, and laid out eleven instances of the President’s obstruction of the investigation. The Congress holds sacred its constitutional responsibility to investigate and hold the President accountable for his abuse of power.
The Congress will continue to investigate and legislate to protect our elections and secure our democracy. The American people must have the truth...

Given that Special Counsel Mueller was unable to pursue criminal charges against the President, it falls to Congress to respond to the crimes, lies and other wrongdoing of President Trump – and we will do so. No one, not even the President of the United States, is above the law. - Rep. Jerry Nadler tweet

And it's only Wednesday!

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Remember, Barr said that there was no strong case of obstruction and that he and Rosenstein decided there was no obstruction. That is NOT what Mueller just said. - David Corn

My God.
 A man set himself on fire Wednesday on the Ellipse in downtown Washington, across from the White House, the Secret Service said.

Mueller said basically- I spent two years writing a report and gave you my findings, you did nothing. 
So, I had to come out here and spell it out for you. I couldn’t do anything, but you can. Here’s the football. - David Yankovich

Republican Shenanigans

Imagine if we started with this statement instead of Barr’s. - Jon Favreau tweet

I Guess Steve Bannon And Trump Aren't Friends Anymore
While Steve Bannon’s last time talking to author Michael Wolff for a book resulted in him receiving a round of condemnation from Donald Trump and his allies, Bannon is back to insulting the president in Wolff’s new work — this time labeling him “just another scumbag.”

I get a kick out of it when you call someone who works in government on their cell phone and they say: "How did you get my number?'' - Julie K. Brown, Miami Herald



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Rock The Voter News

Mueller statement: "Can't any of you people read?" - David Frum

Brits Diss Trump Before His Visit
Donald Trump is missing out on privileges offered to other heads of state, including his predecessor Barack Obama, during his visit the UK....Unlike Obama, the current President has not been asked make an address in the Houses of Parliament.
He will also not participate in a carriage ride to Buckingham Palace, a decision attributed to ‘security concerns’.
And Mr Trump won’t stay in Buckingham Palace during his three-day visit due to renovation work.

Mueller is truly the ultimate in “CMON MAN CLICK THE LINK” - Jake Tapper tweet

I watched Mueller on CNN EspaƱol. They accurately reported it.

Something tells me Robert Mueller's about to blow the lid off the Uranium One scandal! - Rex Huppke


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Business/Tech News

Mueller Stirs Controversy By Urging Americans To Read - Andy Borowitz

Boeing Jet Won't Return Before August
The Boeing 737 Max jet that was grounded after two deadly crashes will not fly before mid-August at the earliest, the global airline trade group said Wednesday

Mueller Says He Will Have No Further Comment On Trump Until That Bastard Is In Prison - Andy Borowitz


Wet & Wild Fundraiser

Waiting for the rain to subside for at least a day before taking the appropriate measures to keep my wall dry. I did dig a small trench to lead the water away from my wall. Better than nothing!

Thank you so much!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Kallur Lighthouse, on the island of Kalsoy, Faroe Islands. That's quite a long walk up there. I know I'd trip and tumble down into that crevice.


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