Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day 2019

‘The president’s insane’: Senior Trump official confides in insider account of White House
"A ‘former White House national security official says staffers were not sure the president had not been compromised’ by Russia.”

My father was in Patton's army, fought Battle of the Bulge, crawled thru Europe for 2 yrs, & when a French bakery refused him & his soldier buddy bread though their money was on the counter, they politely raised their guns & asked again. - Elayne Boosler

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump has the support of men whose children don't speak to them (Jon Voight), men who hit their wives (Rob Porter), men who call their wives "Mother" (Pence), pedophiles (Roy Moore), men who harass women (Bill O'Reilly) and a fussy butler from a 70s sit-com (Lindsey Graham) - Paul Rudnick

Trump Sure Knows How To Celebrate Memorial Day: Golf, Sumo Wrestling & BBQ
The optics and the rhetoric of President Trump's state visit to Japan aimed to show two allies at their closest in history, at the start of a new Japanese emperor's reign...On Sunday, he and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe shared a round of golf, attended a sumo wrestling match and had a barbecue dinner.
But on Monday, a joint press conference with the two leaders revealed the two countries struggling to manage differences over a raft of policy issues — in particular, bilateral trade, North Korea and Iran.

Queen Elizabeth Says Bone Spurs Will Prevent Her From Meeting With Trump. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

If we don’t hold a criminal President accountable for his crimes now, do you really believe a criminal President will allow free and fair elections in 2020? - Tea Pain

Methinks Maggie Haberman May Be Gunning For Sarah Huckabee Sander's Job
In the New York Times piece by Maggie Haberman, titled “Hope Hicks Left the White House. Now She Must Decide Whether to Talk to Congress,” the White House correspondent described Hicks’s decision as “facing an existential question: whether to comply with a congressional subpoena in the coming weeks.”

Sarah Sanders won’t hold press briefings, but press still invites her on Sunday programs—that’ll show her!! - Eric Boehlert


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Trump retweets a video doctored to make Nancy Pelosi look stupid and there's no way to get even bc you can't doctor a video to make Trump look smart. - John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

Trump's Slurred Speech Tied To Low Battery In Putin's Remote. - Andy Borowitz

Wow. Kushner Gets Monster Loan From US Government! 
Kushner Cos. gets about $800 million in federally backed debt to buy apartments in Maryland and Virginia, the company’s biggest purchase in a decade

Can you imagine Bill Clinton saying he and Saddam Hussein are in agreement in their shared criticism of George Bush? A  President is using credibility of a dictator who tortured an American to death &  runs a prison camp country to help his campaign. So anti-American.  Disgrace. - Stuart Stevens


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Business/Tech News

Chase CEO Giving Commencement Speech Pledges To Double Whole Class’s Student Loan Debt - The Onion

Trump Loses 2 Lawsuits
President Trump took a beating in federal court last week, losing a pair of lawsuits aimed at hindering House Democrats' investigations into him and his administration.
The decisions indicated that Trump will ultimately lose the fights: Both judges in the subpoena cases issued their rulings swiftly and decisively, underscoring the weakness of Trump's legal arguments.

Aliens are going to be so deeply disappointed by us. - Molly Jong-Fast



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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Arlington National Cemetery.


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