A female Politico reporter noted on Twitter Thursday than an Alaskan Republican congressman pushed her and cursed at her while she was interviewing a different lawmaker in the Capitol.
I wonder how many journalists have to be killed to satisfy the GOP.
A few weeks ago the House voted 420-0 for release of the full Mueller report. Today every Republican on the House Judiciary Committee voted no. What’s up? - Elie Honig
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- President Trump says he will delay closing the border with Mexico for a year
- Congress ends US support for Yemen war, Trump likely to veto
- Mueller findings 'paint a picture of a campaign manipulated by a sophisticated Russian intel op': NBC News
- Trump rages at ‘totally illegal’ New York Times in Twitter meltdown as Mueller leaks blow apart his ‘exoneration’
Trump is so scared of the Mueller Report being made public, you'd think it was his tax returns. - Stephen Colbert
Mueller Report Leakers Leaking! Hell Yeah!
Several investigators on Robert Mueller's team have expressed frustration to people outside the special counsel about the way the investigation findings were summarized by Attorney General Bill Barr in his letter Congress, according to sources familiar with the conversations.
If Trump gets dementia, how will we know? - Lawrence O'Donnell
Trump's Accounting Firm Will Cough Up His Financial Records With A Subpoena.
An accounting firm is asking the House Oversight and Reform Committee to issue it a subpoena before sending lawmakers 10 years of President Donald Trump’s financial records, the panel’s chairman said on Wednesday, adding that the firm intends to turn over the documents.
Republican Shenanigans
- Trump Wind Turbines Cancer Rant Is Out of Chemtrail Internet
- Trump told to stop tweeting to improve ‘very bad’ poll numbers — he responded with tweets attacking John McCain
- Sarah Sanders lashes out at Democratic 'sore losers' after Fox asks her about Mueller team's criticism of Barr
- Grassley schools Trump on ‘idiotic’ wind turbines and cancer comment
- DOJ defends releasing initial summary of Mueller report
- Mitch McConnell called himself a ‘rock star’ after forcing through Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation
- NRA: Women coming out against Joe Biden are part of a liberal plot to ‘take your guns away’
- Texas woman threatens to call ICE on food truck with permit
- Secret Service 'threw Trump under the bus': National security expert blames Trump for Mar-a-Lago breach
- Alabama proposes law to make abortion punishable by up to 99 years in prison’
Actually I only support infanticide when it’s directly on an open border, performed by a caravan of illegal immigrants & paid for by socialism.Then trans women in bathrooms confiscate all guns, followed by mandatory gay marriages where Sharia Law is imposed & all must eat kale. - John Fugelsang
BREAKING: Donald Trump's supporters, have been removing ceiling fans from their trailers, after president Trump claimed they cause cancer.
Presidential Assassinations Are Nothing Compared To Trump's Woes
Donald Trump has claimed he suffers the “highest level” of presidential harassment in American history, despite four of his predecessors having been assassinated.
Germany Demands Apology After Trump Claims Father Was Born There. - Andy Borowitz

Joe Biden now has 20% of the allegations needed to be president.
Rock The Voter News
- House to hold hearing on hate crimes and white nationalism
- Paul Ryan is Disappointed That AOC Ignored His Advice
- Fox News says it will host a Bernie Sanders town hall
We live in a time when everyone still has to listen to Paul Ryan complain that AOC won't listen to Paul Ryan. - John Fugelsang
"Let's say Jenna has a 470 verbal score, but she needs 730 to get into Yale," DeVos said. "How much will she have to pay to get her score changed? - Andy Borowitz
Oooooh. The House Has Spies!
The Democrat-controlled House Oversight Committee now claims that it is secretly in contact with “dozens” of people inside and outside the Trump administration who wish to expose its wrongdoing.
It has been 38 days since Bernie Sanders announced he was releasing 10 years of tax returns and didn’t release anything, again. - Adam Parkhomenko

Republicans have no healthcare plan, they just hate ours. - Nancy Pelosi
Business/Tech News
- Report: Crew of doomed Ethiopia jet followed procedures
- Britain considers no-deal Brexit supply trains for medicines
- Bezos ex-wife to surrender 75% of couple's Amazon shares
- Woman who fell from Circus Circus roller coaster is 'double amputee
Talk About Lowering The Bar
President Donald Trump said Thursday that he's recommending Herman Cain, a former pizza executive who dropped his bid for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination amid sexual harassment allegations, for a seat on the Federal Reserve Board.
A posh woman asked where I got my boots and I didn't want to say TJ Maxx, so I told her I won them in a bar fight. - Elizabeth Hackett
Sorry for the late edition but moving is time consuming. I don't know what is more tired, my brain or my body!
So the person in the red coat is rappelling down to save you?