Friday, March 8, 2019


President Donald Trump cheered Robert Kraft’s team to Super Bowl victory with founder of spa where he was busted
Seated at a round table littered with party favors and the paper-cutout footballs that have become tradition at his annual Super Bowl Watch Party, President Donald Trump cheered the New England Patriots and his longtime friend, team owner Robert Kraft, to victory over the Los Angeles Rams on Feb. 3....The woman who snapped the blurry Super Bowl selfie with the president was Li Yang, 45, a self-made entrepreneur from China who started a chain of Asian day spas in South Florida. Over the years, these establishments — many of which operate under the name Tokyo Day Spas — have gained a reputation for offering sexual services.

The Miami Herald does it again. The Herald knows the sleazy rich people well because they party in public. Dumb asses.

But really, who among us hasn't taken a selfie with our good friend the brothel founder, at a party thrown for our other good friend, the billionaire sexual predator who was arrested at the brothel, while our wife is god knows where, counting every second until the moment we die. - Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

What's scarier than socialism?
Nepotism. - Marie Connor

Manafort Is Now Waiting For A Pardon
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was sentenced Thursday to nearly four years in prison for tax and bank fraud related to his work advising Ukrainian politicians, much less than what was called for under sentencing guidelines.

The new Republican party believes white collar criminals deserve no jail time.*
*Tea Pain apologizes for that statement.  Remove the word "collar." - Tea Pain

Republican Shenanigans

On the bright side, Bill Shine will have more time to help his wife spread her pro-measles message. - Schooley tweet

Ken Starr is on CNN talking about how poor pitiable Manafort deserved mercy + compassion, then pivoted smoothly into condemning Monica Lewinsky as a devious manipulative perjurer even at age 21-- & I feel like we've reached a new low to punditry. Happy int'l women's day from @cnn - Molly McKew

Former White House chief of staff John Kelly Thinks The Wall Is A Waste 
Former White House chief of staff John Kelly spoke freely for the first time Wednesday evening about his tenure in President Donald Trump’s administration and broke with the president on immigration and other core issues.

Hey, right wing Christians?  if you support Israel bc Book of Revelation and/or Left Behind books taught you that Jews will be forced during the tribulations to accept Christ or perish, you don't actually support Israel & you're not actually Christian. - John Fugelsang


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Paul Manafort is a traitor who went on a white-collar crime spree but only got 47 months prison time in a country that hands out life sentences to people for a few dime bags of weed. - Adam Best

Rock The Voter News

This whole time Trump has been going on about his duct tape fantasies at the border it turns out the real human traffickers were at Mar-a-Lago. With him. - Adam Parkhomenko

Air Forces Secretary Skedaddles To El Paso 
Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson is resigning to become president of the University of Texas at El Paso, the Pentagon confirmed Friday.
Wilson’s resignation is effective May 31, an Air Force spokesperson said in a statement, adding that “this will allow sufficient time for a smooth transition.”


 Click here to visit Wattensaw Press


If Fox News doesn't host any Democratic debates, how will their viewers know which Democrat they want to vote for? - Stephen Colbert

Business/Tech News

Can we all sue The Trump Organization? . Andy Lassner

Trump Signs Bibles. LOL.
President Trump on Friday signed Bibles for people affected by a string of deadly storms that ripped through Alabama.
The president made the gesture while visiting a Baptist church in Opelika, Ala., that is serving as a disaster relief center.

When threatened, the Pope can spray holy venom up to 25ft. 


I was without power for four hours. Hence: a thin issue.
The wind storms have been scary this week.

Windows Fundraiser

Thank you so much!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Researchers at NOAA Expedition who were onboard the Okeanos Explorer were filming the bed of the ocean near Mariana Trench . They spotted a totally unusual creature suddenly and were shocked when this creature came in the frame. It had a few wiry tentacles and had a cluster of 8 bright and reflective orbs inside its body. Those orbs would come in handy for reading.


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