President Donald Trump on Friday declared a national emergency to secure funding for the wall he promised to build along the U.S. border...
It's not an emergency what's happening at the border. It's a humanitarian challenge. - Nancy Pelosi
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- US Chamber: Trump emergency declaration 'erodes' system of government
- ISIS: Top US general disagrees with Trump over Syria troop pullout
- Pompeo meets EU's top diplomat after Pence's Iran accusations
- Pompeo visits Iceland as US-EU rift on Iran grows
- Ex-US Air Force officer Monica Witt charged with spying for Iran
- Suspect charged with arson at ‘Pizzagate’ restaurant after police confrontation at Washington Monument
- Oregon official: texts show police-extremist collusion
A national emergency should not be allowed to declare a national emergency. - Jess Dweck
Russia's Tentacles Are Far Reaching
A senior Belgian counter-intelligence officer is under house arrest after allegations that he spied for Russia in a case that could highlight the...
So, Mexico wouldn’t pay for the wall, Congress wouldn’t pay for the wall, even a gofundme wouldn’t pay for the wall. Obviously, now it’s a goddamn national emergency. - George Takei
Republican Shenanigans
- Trump Spats With CNN's Jim Acosta During National Emergency
- Former GOP House Intel Chair: McConnell eating 'manure sandwich' on Trump calling national emergency
- McCabe book: Sessions once said FBI was better off when it 'only hired Irishmen'
- Kansas bills call same-sex marriage a “parody” union and sexual orientation a “mythology”
- Trump Is Refusing to Pay Contractors For Work During the Shutdown
- White House communications director’s wife criticizes vaccines: 'Bring back our #ChildHoodDiseases
- Trump’s Religion Adviser Attacks All Religions That Are Not Evangelical
People need to stop saying Andrew McCabe confirming Jeff Sessions is a virulent racist is “shocking.” Coretta Scott King told y’all over 3 decades ago. - Kaivan Shroff tweet
I'm Surprised Manafort Has Lasted This Long in Prison Without His Daily Wine & Cheese Tasting
CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin said that Paul Manafort was "almost unrecognizable" in a recent court appearance, adding that the former Trump campaign chairman "is really, really in danger of losing his life" in prison.
So let me get this straight: Declaring Election Day a national holiday would be a "power grab," but declaring a national emergency over a manufactured crisis is totally fine? - Robert Reich
Rock The Voter News
- Ginsburg back at Supreme Court
- House committee to probe measles outbreak
- Hillary Clinton to appear at Selma Bridge Crossing Jubilee
Thank you, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Now we can return to panicking about Stephen Breyer's health. - John Fugelsang
Woman Who Called Michelle Obama "An Ape In Heels" Pleaded Guilty To FEMA Embezzlement
A woman from Clay County pleaded guilty to embezzling more than $18,000 in FEMA disaster benefits after the devastating June 2016 floods that claimed lives and significant property, U.S. Attorney Mike Stuart’s Office says...Pamela Taylor, the former development director in Clay County, who made national headlines in 2016 after she made a racist post about former first lady Michelle Obama.
There must be a national emergency on the golf course at Mar-a-Lago this weekend because there's where Trump is rushing his fat ass to this afternoon. - Jeff Tiedrich
Business/Tech News
- China says trade talks to resume in Washington next week
- Facebook says it may remove anti-vaccine recommendations
- Pro-EU panelist strips on Sky News to call attention to Brexit
- Vietnamese airlines allowed to fly to US for first time
I can't wait until a Democratic president declares a national emergency over illegal immigration and revokes Melania Trump's citizenship. - Middle Age Riot tweet
Amazon Paid $0 Taxes. $0.
Amazon, which doubled its profits and made more than $11 billion in 2018, won't pay any federal income taxes for the second year in a row
Here’s a real national emergency & one the President could actually fix without a Rose Garden speech or formal declaration - stop kidnapping children at the border & return the ones we’ve separated to their families. - Chelsea Clinton
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