Seventeen people were shot and killed by an ex-student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (MSD) in Parkland, Florida on 14 February .
In the year since their friends were killed, the students of Parkland refused to settle for the way things are and marched, organized, and pushed for the way things should be - helping pass meaningful new gun violence laws in states across the country. I'm proud of all of them. - Barack Obama
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- Furious Trump rage-tweets over ‘Russia Hoax’ after McCabe drops bombshells in new book
- ‘Was this a coup?!’ Fox & Friends host freaks out at revelations that DOJ mulled plan to oust Trump
- Acting Pentagon chief backs NATO, despite Trump's past criticism
- Pence calls on EU to withdraw from Iran nuclear deal
- U.S. to present Mideast peace plan after Israeli vote, Jared Kushner says
- Ahead of peace meeting in Warsaw, Netanyahu threatens war with Iran
- Madeleine Albright: If Trump declares national emergency he's a 'bully with an army'
During school shootings, kids hide under their desks.
After school shootings, Republicans hide under theirs. - Middle Age Riot tweet
Nepotism Has Become The "In" Thing Since Trump!
President Donald Trump’s nominee for Attorney General is facing fresh scrutiny only days before the Senate votes on his confirmation, CNN reported Wednesday. Trump’s AG pick faces ‘further questions’ of independence after his son-in-law takes White House job.
Trump Picks El Chapo To Run D.E.A. - Andy Borowitz
Republican Shenanigans
- Judge rules Paul Manafort breached plea deal with special counsel Robert Mueller
- ‘Extreme stupidity’: Ex-CIA official says Manafort lied to judge in hopes of landing a pardon from Trump
- Trump ‘flew off the handle’ when he learned Comey rode a government plane right after being fired: McCabe
- Trump admin eyeing Transportation Deputy to oversee Robert Mueller probe: report
- Trump FEMA chief Brock Long calls it quits amid scandal: 'It is time for me to go home'
- Trump’s Homeland Security pulls funds and staff from election protection for 2020
- Senate votes to confirm Trump pick William Barr as new attorney general
- ‘Post-Trump Sex Disorder’ is a real thing
- Trump pastor: Christians who don’t support this president are like Nazi enablers during WWII
- 'He was in his face': Trump fumes over abortion, courts evangelicals
Trump talks about the wall like he just ran into one. - Seth Meyers
And I know, when it all finally collapses, Mitch McConnell will look into the camera and with a somber drawl, jowl flap, “Obviously if we had known this earlier...” - Schooley tweet
When All Else Fails, Trump Turns To Fox.
President Donald Trump attempted to shore up his Fox News supporters after he failed in negotiations with Capitol Hill despite his government shutdown, The New York Times reported Wednesday. Trump called to beg Sean Hannity and Lou Dobbs for help after his ‘most punishing defeat’ as president.
If you want to get into the Trump administration either you go on TV and defend him with the most fractured logic or have extensive war crimes on your resume. - Schooley tweet
McCabe Reveals That He Plotted Against President During Sixty Percent of Time When Trump Was Not Working - Andy Borowitz
Rock The Voter News
- Poll: More Americans have confidence in Mueller than Trump
- House Democrats make first major move to tighten gun laws
- Ocasio-Cortez, other progressive freshmen to oppose border bill
- Lawmakers demand Nielsen punish top DHS official
- Gillibrand adds top national, New Hampshire staff to 2020 campaign
Trump Accuses FBI of Trying To Replace Him With Pro-American President - Andy Borowitz
I Wonder What Ivanka Will Wear At Her Testimony Before The House
House Democrats are ramping up their investigations into President Donald Trump’s business dealings, and they may haul first daughter Ivanka Trump before Congress to testify about what she knows.
“How could one of the most experienced politicians in history lose to the most unfit candidate ever?” Trump asked. “Crooked Hillary lost on purpose because she wanted me to be impeached.” - Andy Borowitz
Business/Tech News
- 7 million Americans are more than 3 months behind on car payments
- Fox News axed an ad warning of American Nazism because it was 'not appropriate' for 'Hannity' viewers
- EPA plan stops short of regulating toxic chemical, promises decision later
- Warning: Attempting to cheat an airline may get you sued
"Everything sleazy always seems to wind up with a Trump connection." Two years of swimming in a cesspool of sleaze. How long will it take us to wash it off? And a bigger question...will we be able to, or has it changed us forever?? - Bette Midler
Do You Think You Had A Bad Day? You'll Feel Better After Reading This.
The Norwegian Epic cruise ship crashed into a dock in San Juan, Puerto Rico, on Tuesday, an incident which was captured in a video posted on Twitter. No injuries were reported, according to a statement posted on Twitter by Norwegian Cruise Line
If Trump took a lie detector test, he'd electrocute himself.
Hi Lisa,
You need a new laptop. I'm sending you a few bucks and maybe you can raise enough for a new one. Broken hinge leads to bad things.
Thank you for all that you do. To steal your line and modify it, The world is a better place with allhatnocattle.
BTW why do you do what you do?
Jerry in BC
Hi Jerry,
Thank you for your kind words and kash!
My PC is not doing well. It is starting to act like the last PC I had, that died from a bad motherboard. Sigh.
I do work my PC's like a work horse though. Fingers crossed it will last till I can get a new one. I shudder at the thought.
Jerry, I do what I do because it is a labor of love. I love my country and all the beautiful people in it and hate to see the harm caused by Republicans. Thanks for asking.
Take care,
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