The agreement represents a remarkable turnaround within 24 hours.
Congressional negotiators announced an "agreement in principle" Monday night on a broad spending bill they hope will satisfy President Donald Trump's demands for additional border barriers and avert another government shutdown at the end of this week.
As another government shutdown looms, Nancy Pelosi gets ready to hand Trump his head on a platter: Trump à l'orange. - Paul Solomon
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- Trump supporter attacks BBC cameraman at El Paso rally
- Qatar admits it ‘unwittingly’ bailed out New York skyscraper owned by Jared Kushner’s family
- Iran says "John Bolton is suffering from a chronic hallucinatory psychosis" after his latest threat
- Putin ally boasts that Russia interferes in elections by ‘meddling with your brains — we change your conscience’
- GOP livid with Trump over ignored Khashoggi report
- America, the kidnapper: ‘Likely thousands’ of children still separated
I like how those patriotic Americans who really hate foreigners also tend to hate huge amounts of other Americans. - John Fugelsang
Trump's Reaction To Protesters: ‘They get punished when they get home'. What, The Secret Service Will Show Up?
President Donald Trump’s rally was constantly interrupted with protesters Monday. It’s unclear how many there were but there were at least four interruptions where Trump paused and pointed out the protesters. ‘They get punished when they get home’
Republican Shenanigans
- Roger Stone Attacks ‘Leftist Retards,’ Calls CNN’s Ana Navarro a ‘Little Piglet’
- ‘It will create a firestorm’: Mulvaney’s border wall cash grab sparks dissent in White House
- Dick Cheney’s longtime cardiologist accuses Trump White House of ‘hiding’ his medical data
- A set up? Bezos text leaker is a lawyer with right-wing clients -- and links to Roger Stone
- New evidence suggests the New York Times was tricked into retracting a major Mueller probe bombshell
- Former Trump lawyer Cohen Senate testimony postponed due to surgery
- Rand Paul will vote against Trump's pick for attorney general
- Ex-White House aide sues Trump
- Trump says it would look "phony" for him to get a dog: "How would I look walking a dog on the White House lawn?"
- Trump bizarrely says babies come out and talk to their mothers before liberals ‘execute’ them
- RNC uses Hillary Clinton's 'Stronger Together' slogan for Trump
Nothing like a healthy “lock her up” chant more than two-plus years after the 2016 election. Will this go through 2020? - Sam Stein
Hey GOP Voters, The GOP Doesn't Want You To Have Healthcare. Got It?
Utah Gov. Gary Herbert on Monday signed legislation adopting a limited expansion of the state’s Medicaid program, defying voters who in November approved the full Obamacare program through the ballot.
Under the new GOP-written plan, Utah will ask the Trump administration for permission to implement unprecedented restrictions on the health coverage program for the poor, while insuring about 60,000 fewer people than the Obamacare expansion would have and initially costing the state tens of millions of dollars more.
America is a country which produces citizens who will cross the ocean to fight for democracy but won't cross the street to vote. - Anonymous
We just finished our taxes. We owe $4200 more than usual I guess we needed to pay for some uber rich family’s gas for their Yacht. - Mayday Mindy tweet
Rock The Voter News
- Retired astronaut Mark Kelly -- the husband of Rep. Gabby Giffords -- to run for Arizona Senate seat
- Sherrod Brown: Trump’s new NAFTA will face strong Dem opposition
- Northam restores voting rights for over 10,000 Virginians previously convicted of felonies
My favorite thing about Mark Kelly announcing his candidacy is that he’s a man being referred to as his wife’s husband. - OhNoSheTwint
FACT CHECK: El Paso Fire Department confirms Donald Trump lied about his crowd size -- only 6,500 attended his embarrassing rally.
Meanwhile, estimates say up to 15,000 turned out for Beto.
Only about 1% of abortions happen later in pregnancy—almost always because a woman’s health or life is at risk, or the pregnancy is no longer viable.
Lying about this is dangerous, and a slap in the face to families who face heartbreaking situation. - Hillary Clinton
Last night Trump held another of his Nazi rallies and again told lies about abortion and whipped his dimwit worshipers into a murderous frenzy. one of them jumped into the press pen and attacked a cameraman, so yes please, more hit pieces on Democrats who eat chicken with a fork. - Jeff Tiedrich
Business/Tech News
- Former Fed Chair Paul Volcker takes Trump to task on taxes, trade
- US solar jobs down for second year as Trump tariffs weigh
- Robert Reich bashes Trump for billionaire socialism while the rest of America is left to scramble
- Clinton on GOP promoting Trump 'stronger together' quote: Now copy my policies too
I always wondered what the job application is like at Hooters. Do
they just give you a bra and say, "Here, fill this out?" - Anonymous
There Are 7.3 Million Job Openings, Not Enough Americans To Fill Them. We Need Immigrants.
The number of job openings reached 7.3 million at the end of 2018, the highest level since the Labor Department started measuring them in 2000. That pushed the job opening rate -- the number of openings as a share of total employment -- back to the high it reached last August.
...creation was particularly strong in construction and accommodation and food services, while manufacturing job openings fell.
Happy birthday to Charles Darwin, who would have been 210 today.
210, and extremely disappointed. - TheTweetOfGod
Anyone have any windows you're not using?
I need windows, Mr. Bill Gates.
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