House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., on Monday invited President Trump to deliver the State of the Union address on February 5.
Roger Stone says Mueller will “charge Trump and Pence with collusion, then make Nancy Pelosi President. Pelosi will appoint Hillary VP, then step aside.
This might be the first good idea Roger ever had. - Tea Pain tweet
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- Russia secretly offered North Korea a nuclear power plant
- Spy chief warns of foreign interference in 2020 election
- Russian efforts to ‘weaponize’ social media still going on — and other countries are learning from them: US officials
- Kamala Harris busts Trump’s intel chief for talking down to her about countering Russian disinformation attacks
- Senate moves forward on Middle East bill after shutdown logjam
- Bolton's notes raise questions on troops as pressure builds in Venezuela
Taliban Agrees To Peace Deal Despite Concerns About America’s Human-Rights Record - The Onion
Another "Fredo"
Special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation is "close to being completed," Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker said Monday. Speaking at his first press conference since taking over the Justice Department in November 2018, Whitaker also said he has been "fully briefed" on Mueller's probe.
Do you ever think about how weird it is that the secretary of education is a billionaire whose brother owns a private army? - Molly tweet
Republican Shenanigans
- White House doesn't fully rule out pardon for Roger Stone
- Trump ally Roger Stone enters not guilty plea in court
- Roger Stone faces two choices — turn on Trump or go to jail: former prosecutor
- Sarah Sanders swipes at conservatives accusing Trump of caving on the wall
- Michael Cohen to testify before House Intel panel next week
- Trump admin blames shutdown for 'slow roll' on House oversight
- Many of Clemson’s black players refused to attend Trump’s fast food feast
- Flake passes on primary challenge to Trump in 2020
- ‘Empire’ star Jussie Smollett brutally attacked by anti-gay Trump supporters who put noose around his neck
- Elderly man arrested for stalking Muslim schoolgirls and threatening to sterilize them
- Joshua Tree national park 'may take 300 years to recover' from shutdown
The video of Federal agents swarming in to arrest #RogerStone was so satisfying! Almost as satisfying as the one playing in my head, of Stephen Miller tripping and falling into a hole full of starving migrants. - Bette Midler
Gag Me With A Waterboard
The hawkish House Republican with a famous last name is seen as a possible senator or even speaker of the House.
I'm just super-tickled to learn that the guy who cheated on his first wife with his second and cheated on her with his third and cheated on her with a porn actress and lied about paying hush money and then said the hush money payments were legal says that Bible study is important. - Jeff Tiedrich
Those Sneaky Mexicans...
Mexico posted its highest trade surplus on record in December despite efforts by President Trump to close that gap by redoing Nafta
I sure hope Mexico sends that check by February 15. - Justin Amash tweet
Rock The Voter News
- Poll: there is no 2020 Democratic frontrunner
- Biden says he’ll make ‘the decision soon’
- Obama recently gave speech at Boeing retreat
Pelosi is going to have to add Trump to her disclosure forms where it asks for a list of assets she owns. - Adam Parkhomenko
I bet they'll do a better job than Trey Gowdy
It's known as "the theater committee" for its high profile, high-drama role investigating President Donald Trump's White House. And now, five of the fieriest Democratic freshmen in the House are players on that stage.
"If women could sleep their way to the top, there would be a lot more women at the top." --Gloria Steinem
Business/Tech News
- PG&E, owner of biggest US power utility, files for bankruptcy
- Trump’s tariffs completely wiped out Harley-Davidson profits last quarter
- Howard Schultz’s presidential dream crushed by Paul Krugman in devastating ‘nobody wants him’ tweetstorm
- Ted Bundy: Netflix creeped out about serial killer's 'alleged hotness
Howard Schultz on Trump: "No one wants to see him fired more than me." Joy Behar: "And no one wants to see you run more than him."
Trump could have built his wall with the 6 billion in aid he gave farmers for his stupid tariff debacle
U.S. Department of Agriculture has paid out $5.94 billion as of Jan. 28 to farmers, a representative said on Monday, in aid designed to offset the negative impact of tariff imposition.
Thanks to Trump, now we have to Make America Again. - Stephen Colbert
Step by step...inch by inch...
The lake picture was formerly a glacier
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