Friday, June 8, 2018

Just when you thought the GOP couldn't get any crueler...

House Republicans eliminate funding for Children’s Health Insurance Program
House Republicans voted overwhelmingly to eliminate funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program, or CHIP, after approving a White House budget plan.

I will never consider a pardon for Donald Trump. - TweetOfGod

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

OCTOBER 19, 2016: Hillary Clinton predicts that Trump will be Putin’s puppet.
JUNE 8, 2018: Puppet Trump refuses to enforce sanctions against Russia, sows discord with America's allies, and lobbies for Russia to be reinstated into the G-7. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Trump Tries Sleight Of Hand
President Trump has called for Russia to be reinstated to the G7 group of leading industrial nations.
Russia was ousted from the then-G8 group in 2014, over Russian President Vladimir Putin's annexation of Crimea.

Only Trump would go to the G7 asking for a G8 and come back with a G6 - Sarah Cooper

Republican Shenanigans

Muhammad Ali's attorney responds to Trump saying he may pardon Ali, saying they appreciate the sentiment, but "The U.S Supreme Court overturned the conviction of Muhammad Ali in a unanimous decision in 1971. There is no conviction from which a pardon is needed.” - Ana Cabrera, CNN

Speaker Ryan is celebrating the fact he just cut $7 billion from children's health insurance. Just imagine how happy he will be if he manages to cut food stamps and starves them to death before they can use emergency rooms. - Wil Donnelly

Trump's Porn Appearances?
When Rudy Giuliani said Wednesday that Stormy Daniels has no credibility because she is is a porn star, he neglected to mention that his client, President Donald Trump, has appeared in three Playboy videos that feature nudity and softcore pornographic content.

President Trump says First Lady Melania Trump is doing well, but can’t come on the trip because she can’t fly for a month. Why? “She had a four hour procedure.” - Kaitlin Collins, CNN

Please unlock her up, Mr. Trump.
Hey Kim, Please Quit While You're Ahead
Kim Kardashian West said Thursday that her husband, rapper Kanye West, gave President Trump “legitimacy.”
Kardashian West met with Trump this week about prison reform and to lobby for him to issue a pardon, just weeks after her husband expressed his support for the president on Twitter. Kanye West's comments drew criticism from fans and fellow rappers.


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Reese Witherspoon has announced they're making "Legally Blonde 3." Please make it be about Elle Woods joining Mueller's team. - Stephen Colbert

Rock The Voter News

Anthony Bourdain Was One Of The Good Guys 💔
Anthony Bourdain, a gifted storyteller and writer who took CNN viewers around the world, has died. He was 61.
CNN confirmed Bourdain's death on Friday and said the cause of death was suicide.

Maybe we all wanted to hang out with him. He was that cool, fun, frank, insightful. He introduced us to distant lands and to people with different traditions. And without ever preaching, he reminded us that we humans are far more alike than different. Thank you Anthony Bourdain - Mia Farrow

Anthony Bourdain had one of the only shows on tv that tried with all its might to teach Americans not to be scared of other people. - Allison


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Business/Tech News

Stop attacking Scott Pruitt. He needs soft silky hands to point at which toxic chemicals he wants your children to drink. - Jess Dweck

"Preexisting Condition" Is Just Another Phrase For "Sick Person"
In its latest effort to undermine the Affordable Care Act — and in the process, raise premiums for many Americans — the Trump administration is urging a federal judge in Texas to throw out the law’s protections for people with preexisting conditions.

Payback Is A Beeotch
Rudy Giuliani‘s tasteless attacks on Stormy Daniels (Trump’s lawyer said he does not respect her because of her work as a porn star) have received a pretty widespread rebuke on cable news Thursday morning.
Megyn Kelly weighed in on her NBC show, and reminded Giuliani that his own client’s wife, Melania Trump — who Giuliani hailed as a model woman in his comments, unlike Daniels — is herself a model who has posed nude.

We will, I hope, be judged, eventually by seemingly small, random acts of kindness and sincerity. - Anthony Bourdain



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Discovering the MONA LISA after World War II.
