Trump Gets Mocked on Twitter for Smocking Gun Tweet
“Democrats can't find a Smocking Gun tying the Trump campaign to Russia after James Comey's testimony. No Smocking Gun…No Collusion.
Trump's so scared of a smoking gun that he misspelled it. Twice.
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- NYT’s Krugman: US, Russia and Saudi Arabia are ‘new axis of evil’
- 'I can't breathe.' Jamal Khashoggi's last words disclosed in transcript, source says
- Kushner reportedly gave advice to Saudi prince after Khashoggi killing
- Conservative Max Boot says Saudis ‘played Jared Kushner and Donald Trump for suckers’ who don’t know anything
- Accused Russian spy Maria Butina appears to reach plea deal
I’m kinda shocked Trump hasn’t started a war by now. - Toure tweet
Trump Defends Hush Money
President Trump is defending the hush money payments made by his former lawyer to 2 women during his 2016 campaign as "a simple private transaction." Federal law requires disclosure of payments made "for the purposes of influencing" an election.
“Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind.” - William Shakespeare
Republican Shenanigans
- ‘All lies!’ Trump melts down over Comey testimony in Twitter freak out
- James Comey won't say whether FBI knew Trump campaign conspired to hack DNC servers in July 2016
- Jerome Corsi has filed a lawsuit accusing Mueller of blackmailing him
- The only reason Michael Flynn was interviewed by FBI agents is Trump’s White House had no process in place to protect him: Comey
- Fox's Kilmeade floats David Bossie, Matthew Whitaker for White House chief of staff
- 'You voted to impeach Clinton': CNN's Jennifer Granholm wallops Rick Santorum for hypocrisy over Trump crimes
- Kellyanne Conway's husband slaps down Trump's 'smocking gun' denials
- This Is The Fox & Friends First Segment That Inspired Trump’s ‘Smocking Gun’ Tweet
Trump is such a fool. If only he had disclosed that he had paid a porn star $130,000 to keep quiet he'd have won even more of the evangelical vote. - Real Fake Potus tweet
The next White House Chief of Staff will be the first person who says yes. - Andy Lassner
I Wonder if Bill O'Reilly is Available for Chief of Staff.
Nick Ayers, Vice President Mike Pence’s chief of staff and the top choice to move into the same role for the president, declined the offer and will leave the White House in the next few weeks, according to several media reports.
The most likely outcome still involves DT getting bored & leaving America for a younger hotter country. - John Fugelsang
Rock The Voter News
- Ethics watchdog sues FBI over leaks to Giuliani
- Schiff: Trump may face ‘real prospect of jail time’
- Harvard Law professor: Trump can be indicted for directing a criminal conspiracy
- Obama: 'No ferns. No memes' in final plea urging people to sign up for Obamacare
I bet Hillary no longer finds it funny when she walks into a bagel place and people chant, "Lox her up!" - Conan O'Brien
Wisconsin Blues
Former Wisconsin Gov. Scott McCallum (R) is calling for Gov. Scott Walker (R) to reject some of the measures the state legislature passed to limit incoming Democratic officials' authority.
“It appears completely political, (like) a power grab,” McCallum told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel on Saturday, before adding that Walker has the chance to avoid the “appearance of sour grapes."
Donald Trump was never going to get along with anything called "the intelligence community." - Middle Age Riot
Business/Tech News
- So much for a 'Santa rally': Trump's trade war is sending the S&P 500 toward its worst December since 2002
- Washington Post Introduces ‘Bottomless Pinocchio’ Factcheck Level for Trump
- 'Fearless Girl' statue installed at New York Stock Exchange
- YouTube Bans Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes
- Theresa May Cancels Vote on Her Brexit Deal to Avoid Crushing Defeat
Brexit is what happens when you throw the baby out with the bathwater.
China Goes After Apple
Apple was down about 2 percent Monday morning after a Chinese court banned the import and sale of most iPhone models in the country as part of an injunction. Qualcomm requested the injunction for alleged patent violation and announced the news in a statement Monday morning.
If Republicans were really smart and wanted to save what's left of their party before they lose control of the House, they would impeach Trump and Pence and say hello to President Ryan. Fugetaboutit. they're not that smart.
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