Tuesday, December 11, 2018

It looks as though it's going to be a White Russian Christmas

At least 16 Trump associates had contacts with Russians 
At least 16 associates of Donald Trump had contacts with Russians during the 2016 campaign or transition, according to ...

At this point it would be easier to ask which Republicans Putin is not blackmailing. - driftglass

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

They may have to bring back the Draft to get someone to be Donald Trump's Chief of Staff. - Roland Scahill

I Think Ivanka Is Going To Be The Next Chief Of Staff
Outgoing White House chief of staff John Kelly is reportedly “furious” at Donald Trump and his son-in-law adviser Jared Kushner for pushing him out of the role. So, here's what he did...

On 11 DEC 1968, a 2/4 MAR rifle platoon was ambushed in Vietnam -- half became casualties. Its leader, a 24 yo Lt, received the Bronze Star with V for rescuing one of his wounded Marines under fire.
50 years later, that Lt is still on the job, hunting down his country's enemies. - John Schindler

If Trump thinks Mueller's court filings have cleared him of wrongdoing, what has he been smocking?- Andy Borowitz

Sandy Hook Releases Chilling Video
A chilling new public service announcement, released Monday by the gun violence prevention organization Sandy Hook Promise, depicts the moments leading up to a school shooting from the shooter’s perspective.

White House Evacuated Due To Faulty Smock Alarm. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

The Ginger Russian Spy Will Sing
Maria Butina, 30, was either a perky gun nut with a fetish for sex-starved GOP losers, or a secret agent in Russia's covert influence operation to influence the 2016 United States elections.

As the war on Christmas begins, let's give a shout out to the GOP doing the lord's work trying to lock out the needy, keep the hungry from getting food stamps, locking babies in cages, & making the wealthy richer by killing sick people. - AltFedEmployee tweet


 Click here to meet C.W.


Hey Donald J. Trump don’t hurry to name a new Chief of Staff. In a few months President Pelosi will. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

This is the thing- If Biden was the nominee against Trump in 2016, Trump would still have won. If Sanders was the nominee in 2016, Trump would still have won. 
Why? Because a foreign enemy wanted Trump to win. 
Remember, this was an attack on our country and our democracy. - Roland Scahill

Grinch Threatens Senate
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Tuesday warned that the Senate will be in session between Christmas and New Years to finish their work for the year unless senators agree to fast-track some items on their to-do list.


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I look forward to the day when I can watch something involving the president of the United States and not say, "That is literally the dumbest thing I have ever witnessed." - Rex Huppke

Business/Tech News

CONGRESS: "When I type in the word 'idiot' images of Donald Trump appear."
GOOGLE: "Yeah, we told you it works." #GoogleHearing - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Trump says it’s jail for Cohen & that Roger Stone will never turn on him. Ok, let’s replace "Trump" with "Al Capone" and you can see we're living in a gangster movie! But remember, Elliot Ness got Capone on…TAXES! Now there's the Hollywood ending we’re all waiting for. - Bette Midler

Arizona Snowflake
Former Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio filed a multi-million dollar defamation lawsuit against several media outlets on Monday.
Arpaio’s suit lists CNN, CNN president Jeff Zucker, anchor Chris Cuomo, The Huffington Post and its senior political reporter Kevin Robillard, and Rolling Stone and staff writer Tessa Stuart, claiming that they falsely referred to him as a "convicted felon" despite his presidential pardon.

Welcome to the SATs.    
Your score may determine which college loan you'll be paying into your 40s.  
Let's begin. - John Fugelsang


Thank you! So Close to the Goal!


I laughed out loud at this...

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Mont Blanc Night Skiing, France. That would be lovely if I still had my ski legs.


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