Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Witch Hunt Continues

Mueller protection bill blocked in Senate for second time
Legislation protecting special counsel Robert Mueller was blocked on Wednesday for a second time in the past month.
Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), joined by Sens. Chris Coons (D-Del.) and Cory Booker (D-N.J.), tried to get consent to schedule the long-stalled legislation for a vote.

Why is shutting down the Government supposed to be a threat?It's been shut down for almost 2 years. - Renee Davis

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

nevada elected a dead pimp and mississippi elected a live confederate statue and excuse me while i drink this tequila straight out the bottle. - mith tweet

Right Wing Media Manipulation
As the media outrage toward the Trump administration’s harsh border policies escalated this week, Sinclair Broadcast Group required their roughly 200 local news outlets to air a defense of the Border Patrol’s use of tear gas against migrants crossing the border on Sunday.

Republican Shenanigans

Who could’ve expected that Paul Manafort, a guy who used Bond007 as his Dropbox password, would suck at hiding the truth? - OhNoSheTwint

Sarah Spinmeister Sanders Says Climate Change Is Not Based On Facts
Sarah Huckabee Sanders has said that the federal government’s latest climate change report, which outlined how global warming will cost the United States hundreds of billions of dollars in damage, is “not based on facts.”

One of the problems that a lot of people like myself, we have very high levels of intelligence but we’re not necessarily such believers. You look at our air and our water and it’s right now at a record clean. - Donald Trump

Scientists have again landed a spacecraft on a proverbial dime on a planet 40 million miles away that rotates at 241 metres per second. Think I'm gonna trust them on this climate change stuff. - Scott Linnen


 Click here to meet C.W.


This Is Why I produce AllHatNoCattle


Hi Lisa:  I have been with you since the beginning.  Don't really remember how I discovered you, but life has not been the same since - I anxiously await each of your posts so I can be reassured that I am not alone in my thinking, and also get a good laugh!  Like you, hope the end is near for the Trump mob squad.....especially Jared and Ivanka.



I don't what I would do without you helping me keep my sanity. I've been reading you since you started in 2000. Keep it up!!!



I hope you had a great vacation, you deserve it, but happy that you are back. Happy Holidays!



Congrats for 18 yrs online.  You deserve an award!!! Thank you for all the memories and memes.



Please, please, please, never take another vacation. Pretty please.



Thank you all!

Rock The Voter News

Sarah Sanders always looks like she has a structured settlement but needs cash now. - Marie Conner

Schumer Offers Trump $1.6 Billion For His Wall. In Exchange For What?
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY). ... is willing to provide the president with $1.6 billion in funding for his border wall

Chuck Schumer Proposes Slightly Smaller Swastika on Garage Door. - hey there mister! tweet

Trump: The Corporate Environmentalist
The Trump administration has been accused of using the deadly wildfires in California to push for weakened environmental rules in forests, opening them up for more logging.

When someone starts an argument with "I'm not a scientist, but..." maybe we should stop listening to them weighing in on science. And maybe news shows should stop asking these pundits to talk about something they’re not qualified to talk about. - Dan Rather


 Click here to visit Wattensaw Press


Business/Tech News

If Colin Kaepernick had beaten a woman instead of kneeling during the anthem he'd still be in the NFL right now. - David Dennis Jr.

Gag Me With A Burrito
Mexico will bestow its highest honor for foreign nationals on US President Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner for his role in saving the country's free-trade agreement with the United States an


AllHatNoCattle will be 18 years old

Thank you so much!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Thirteenth century Eilean Donan castle is in the Highlands of Scotland. Is that where all the knights in shining armor are?


1 comment:

  1. The current Eilean Donan is a 19th centurs fictional copy of the original which looked different :-(
