Thursday, November 29, 2018

Oh, yeah, there's collusion, lots of collusion...

Michael Cohen pleads guilty to lying to Congress
Trump's ex-lawyer admitted to making false statements in 2017 to a Senate intelligence committee about a plan to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.

The Kremlin denies the existence of Michael Cohen. - Darth Putin tweet

Trump's attacks on the Mueller probe late last night and again early this morning raise a huge question: did Whitaker brief him on what was coming today? - Matthew Miller

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

California May Sue Trump Over Gassing Refugees
California is considering if the state can take legal action over the Trump administration's use of tear gas on a group of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border...California has limited jurisdiction, because the federal government has a large authority over border and immigration policies. 

America is signaling the waiter to ask for the check. - Rob Reiner 

Republican Shenanigans

You know who else assuredly lied to Congress about the Trump Org’s “real estate” dealings in Russia?
Traitor Tot.
Donald Trump, Jr.
In a few weeks, Dems will be releasing the transcripts. -The Hoarse Whisperer

#BeBest, Sometimes!
First lady Melania Trump said Wednesday that while she encourages young people to be kind on social media, sometimes there are exceptions.
"Sometimes you need to fight back, I'm sorry," she said, while answering questions during an event at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va., that focused on the opioid epidemic.

It evens out, because most climate scientists can't believe Trump is president.- Conan O'Brien


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Rock The Voter News

FUN FACT: Today's Cohen guilty plea proves yet another fact in the Steele Dossier. - Tea Pain

The New York Times Should Apologize To The World
Study: Hillary Clinton’s emails got as much front-page coverage in 6 days as policy did in 69.
A stark finding from an analysis of New York Times coverage.

It is hilarious that all the guys who were desperately trying to get Clinton's emails to "take her down" are now being taken down because Mueller got their emails describing how they were trying to get her emails. - Wil Donnelly


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Business/Tech News

Putin starting to wonder if his puppets are smart enough to pull this off. - Andy Borowitz

First Cohen, Then Burke, Now Deutsche Bank. Wow. Trump Must Be Bouncing Off The Walls.
The Frankfurt headquarters of Deutsche Bank have been raided by prosecutors in a money laundering investigation. Germany's public bank...

I'll bet right around now, with Cohen, Stone, and Manafort imploding, Trump might finally be wondering whether he actually does hire the best people. - George Takei

Smart Cat


The 18th Birthday of AllHatNoCattle

Almost 1/3 of the way there! Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

London, Paris and Brussels from the International Space Station.


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