Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Putin's visit to the USA

Kremlin says Putin not ready to accept Trump invite to DC
A top Kremlin aide on Tuesday said Russia is not ready to accept President Trump's invitation to a second summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the U.S.
Yuri Ushakov said Russia agrees there should be another meeting, but did not formally agree to the White House's fall invitation.

Is it me or is Putin riding Trump like an e-Scooter? - Conan O'Brien

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

It wasn't Bernie Sanders
It wasn't the Media
It wasn't Comey 
It wasn't Mueller
It was mothafvcking Hillary Clinton who stood on the presidential debate stage in front millions of people & called Trump a "Putin Puppet" to his face and,  in front of the world, including Putin. - Mr. Weeks

The Sequel: Sex, Lies & Videotape
Michael Cohen‘s lawyer Lanny Davis dropped a bombshell Wednesday night, premiering a secretly recorded tape of Cohen and his former client Donald Trump discussing payment to squash the affair allegation of a Playboy model during the 2016 campaign.
The recording appears to show Trump instructing his lawyer to handle the payment in “cash,” ...

Interesting quote from Stormy Daniels' Attorney
In light of the events and info learned over the last 48 hours, we now know that Michael Cohen is trying to play both sides while he is in reality courting a pardon. He is looking out only for himself and Mr. Trump. He will never change. Let the chips fall where they may.- Michael Avenatti

Trumpenfreude: to take pleasure in the misfortunes of a bloated orange bastard whose skeevy mob lawyer taped him talking about paying hush money to cover up an affair. - Jeff Tiedrich

Republican Shenanigans

You know when you’re in a really tiny dressing room and you try something that’s a size too small and you can’t get it off? That’s how it feels with this government. - Ida Skibenes

Trump To Bailout Farmers Due To His Trade War
Republican backlash is growing against President Trump's $12 billion plan to help American farmers feeling the pain of the escalating trade war. And at least one farmer who would benefit from the plan says he'd rather not have it. ... This year's soybean crop could yield a record

Let’s Drug Test the Farmers before we give them Farmer Welfare  - Mayday Mindy

Sean Spicer Receives A Smacking From Across The Pond 
BBC's Emily Maitlis on Tuesday confronted former White House press secretary Sean Spicer, arguing that his actions while serving as the top spokesman for President Trump "corrupted discourse for the entire world by going along with" the president's lies.

Ivanka Trump Named Dean of Business School at Trump University- Andy Borowitz


 Click here to meet C.W.


“I’ve seen a lot of bad deals in my life, but this Constitution is a total mess,” Donald J. Trump said - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

The Great Republican Vote Purge
A recent report from the Brennan Center for Justice found that between 2014 and 2016 states purged almost 16 million voters from the rolls, four million more voters than removed from 2006 to 2008.

Overheard: “I’m starting to think that someone who paid $250K to have sex twice may not be the best at making deals.” - George Takei


 Click here to visit Wattensaw Press


Now, farmers are getting the full Stormy Daniels treatment - Trump screwed them and now he’s paying them off. - Stephen Colbert

Business/Tech News

2016: “Brexit will improve your lives”
2018: “There will be adequate food”

- James Felton

Republicans Set To Give The Rich More Money!
House Republicans have launched an effort to expand the massive tax law they muscled through Congress last year, aiming to make permanent the individual tax cuts and small-business income deductions now set to expire in 2026.

The real you is what happens when you walk into a surprise spider web. - Elizabeth Hackett


Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Russian Ballet Dancer Rudolf Nureyev (1938 - 1993) defected to the West on this day in 1961. I had such a crush on him when I was a teenager.


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