Monday, March 19, 2018

And the beat goes on

Where is Mark Zuckerberg?’ Reporter nails Facebook for data ‘scandal’ that helped deliver Trump and Brexit
British journalist Carol Cadwalladr has been sounding the alarm on Facebook and Cambridge Analytica for more than a year, and her investigative work helped reveal a massive data breach exploited by the Trump campaign.

FUN FACT: Steve Bannon, Trump's Campaign CEO and WH Chief Strategist, was VP of Cambridge Analytica, which is under an active search warrant at this very moment. - Tea Pain

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Mueller rents giant warehouse to store evidence against Trump. “It’s like a city all its own,” one warehouse worker said. “There are people working in the Michael Flynn section who’ve never met the people working in the Paul Manafort section.” - Andy Borowitz

More On Cambridge Analytica
A whistleblower has revealed to the Observer how Cambridge Analytica – a company owned by the hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer, and headed at the time by Trump’s key adviser Steve Bannon – used personal information taken without authorisation in early 2014 to build a system that could profile individual US voters, in order to target them with personalised political advertisements.

Republican Shenanigans

Please. If this was a real witch hunt, Donald Jr. would be posing in a selfie with a witch head and broken broom. - Erik Bransteen

Yep. I Knew It, Religious Fundamentalists Are Coo Coo.
A study published in the journal Neuropsychologia has shown that religious fundamentalism is, in part, the result of a functional impairment in a brain region known as the prefrontal cortex. The findings suggest that damage to particular areas of the prefrontal cortex indirectly promotes religious fundamentalism by diminishing cognitive flexibility and openness—a psychology term that describes a personality trait which involves dimensions like curiosity, creativity, and open-mindedness.

If Trump ever had to take a lie detector test, he’d probably just draw the crazy lines himself. - Seth Myers


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“Hillary Clinton deliberately plotted to put me in the White House, and the American people should be very angry about that,” Trump said. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

According to Politico, the publishers of former FBI Director James Comey’s upcoming memoir are taking extreme precautions to prevent the manuscript from leaking. Yeah, it would be a shame if something got out at the wrong time and ruined everything for him.- Seth Myers

My My My, This Explains Why Kentucky Keeps Reelecting Mitch McConnell. They're All Drunk!
Kentucky’s rate of binge-drinking has been one of the highest in the nation, according to a new study.
The state ranked third, at 652, in the total number of alcoholic drinks consumed annually during heavy drinking episodes by people who reported being binge drinkers, according to the study by researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Trump warned that the people who wrote the Constitution could be fired “very soon.” - Andy Borowitz


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I'm a Crisis Actor but what i really want to do is Crisis Direct. - John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

Elon Musk has announced that his company SpaceX will be ready to fly an unmanned rocket to Mars and back by 2019. And shortly thereafter, they’ll be able to send people there to colonize the planet. You know, just in case you-know-who is re-elected to the you-know-what.- James Corden

Kroger Alters Gun Policy
Kroger announced it will no longer sell print magazines featuring assault rifles.
The supermarket retailer said it is now starting to implement the new policy in stores across the country, USA Today reported.

Trump is suing Carly Simon for writing a song about him.  - irishygirl tweet



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

They both just received the news that the groundhog saw his shadow.


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