Monday, January 22, 2018

Make America Sane Again

Senate advances measure to end government shutdown
The three-day government shutdown is on the verge of ending after enough Senate Democrats joined Republicans to advance a three-week extension of funding in exchange for GOP assurances that Congress would take up a larger immigration bill in that time.

Maybe Mexico will pay for the shutdown. - Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

North Korea has announced that it will send a group of citizens called the “cheering squad” to next month’s Winter Olympics. And many of them are expected to actually compete in a new event called the “400 Meter Defection.” - Conan O'Brien

Devin Nunes Is Hiding Something Bigtime
The FBI has not been permitted to see the memo Rep. Devin Nunes and his staff wrote about alleged abuses by the intelligence community, The Daily Beast has learned.
"The FBI has requested to receive a copy of the memo in order to evaluate the information and take appropriate steps if necessary. To date, the request has been declined,” said Andrew Ames, a spokesperson for the FBI.

Make no mistake, this shutdown boils down to one thing: RACISM. GOP frightened to death of the browning of America. They will lose this last big battle of the Civil War. Diversity is our strength.- Rob Reiner

Republican Shenanigans

Franklin Graham is to Christianity what Jesus was to hate. - John Fugelsang

Oh Look, More Bibles Being Shoved Down Kid's Throats
In Public Schools
A bill introduced at the Iowa Statehouse this week would establish a public school course centered on the Bible — sparking outcry from opponents who call it an "extreme piece of legislation."
If passed, Iowa would join a small but growing number of states with "Bible literacy" laws that allow or require public schools to offer such courses.

The Donald Trump national library is going to be the only library with an adults only section. - Tim Hanlon


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If you say "abortion is healthcare" in the mirror 3 times, a republican will appear and present you with a Handmaid's costume. - OhNoSheTwint

Rock The Voter News

My 9 year old daughter Samantha asked me why we are all marching. 

I told her that the world is in bad shape right now and we have to fight back.

She asked if God is sending help. 

I said “Yes. Look around! He sent the women.” - Will Bailey

Great Graphic Analysis Of The Russian Connections
A POLITICO analysis of court documents, congressional letters, public testimony and media reports reveals that the investigations into the 2016 election and its aftermath now involve hundreds of people in Washington, Moscow and around the world. 

I still can't tell which one is Eric Trump and which one is Donald Jr. I just know one looks like he sucks blood and the other one looks like his victim. - Tim Hanlon


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Unlike your phone, shutting Congress down and starting it up again does not make it work. - Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

FUN FACT:  Even though Trump shut down the government, Bob Mueller was on the job bright and early this morning. #TrumpShutdown - Tea Pain

Interesting Lawsuit
A lawsuit brought by D.C. and the state of Maryland contends that people seeking to influence the Trump administration are pumping money into the president's hotels and golf courses.

Instead of checking IDs, bars now make sure that people can’t name 3 YouTube Stars.- Conan O'Brien


UPDATE: I haven't died. I've halfway emerged from the flu fog with a mild temp. I am so grateful. It feels so go to be back. Thank you for your patience.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The dark side of the moon courtesy of the Chinese National Space Administration.


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