Thursday, August 17, 2017

Only a racist would think that Confederate Memorial Statues are beautiful

‘Can’t change history’: Trump sides with white nationalists and praises ‘beautiful’ Confederate statues
President Donald Trump followed up his early morning tweet storm on Thursday by lamenting that Confederate statues are being taken down all across the U.S. and saying it’s “sad.”

Imagine if right now Angela Merkel was whining on twitter about removing "beautiful statues and monuments" of Hess, Goebbels, & Eichmann. - Mary Beth Williams

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Any White House staff resign today? Or did they all show up this morning to work for a guy who thinks the confederacy is getting a bad rap? - Dan Pfeiffer

Russia Doesn't Like Nazis, Either
Neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer has been booted from the Russian internet.
The country's media watchdog asked for it to be taken down because of extremist content.
"The Daily Stormer website promotes neo-Nazi ideology, incites racial, national and other types of social discord,"

Donald Trump you have an ego as big as any historic monument, perhaps it's time for America to rip it apart as well. - Vicente Fox Quesada, Presidente de México de 2000 a 2006

Republican Shenanigans

 This wasn't even supposed to be about Charlottesville. Apparently, Trump went off script and improvised all of these remarks during a press conference about infrastructure, which is terrible because I'm pretty sure the first rule of infrastructure is whatever you do, don't burn bridges. - James Corden

The Alt-Right Knows Photoshop?
An image that appeared to capture a member of an anti-fascist group beating a U.S. police officer with a club during a “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, is fake.

The only person who's happy right now is Sean Spicer. He's doing backflips, wherever he is. - Jimmy Kimmel

Cleveland Clinic Cancels Fundraiser At Mar-a-Lago
The Cleveland Clinic, a health care network frequently praised by both Republicans and Democrats for its patient care, has decided to not hold its annual fundraising gala at President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida as planned.


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Trump's 7 months of disaster show why the popular vote should decide the Presidency. (See also: George W. Bush) - Richard Hine

Rock The Voter News

But His Emails!
President Donald Trump's personal lawyer, John Dowd, forwarded an email to associates that expressed support for Southern secession from the Union in the 1860s.
Dowd's forwarded email was sent Wednesday to conservative journalists, government officials, Dowd's friends, and others

The White House event I'm really looking forward to: Trump hosting Obama for the unveiling of Obama's official portrait. - Ryan Lizza


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My Proposed Confederate Memorial Statue

Take down the statues. If Confederacy fans want to see a monument of a loser they can visit Trump Tower. - Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

Costco has to pay Tiffany’s $19 million for selling 2,500 fake Tiffany rings. Husbands don’t know what’s worse, having to tell their wife her ring ISN’T from Tiffany, or that it IS from Costco. “I’ve got bad news and worse news...” - Jimmy Fallon

Racist Judge Outs Himself On Facebook, Gets Suspended
A judge in Georgia has been suspended for Facebook posts in which he compared protesters of Confederate statues to members of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
Gwinnett County Judge Jim Hinkle called protesters opposing a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E Lee in Charlottesville, Va., “snowflakes.” He said they had "no concept of history" and should “leave history alone.”

A Florida man who accidentally fired a gun in a strip club restroom while trying to take a selfie has been sent to prison. The weird thing is everyone else at the Florida prison is there for the exact same reason. - Conan O'Brien



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

When I saw this photo I thought of my grandmother, who used to slit dates. stuff them with peanut butter and rolled them in sugar for a holiday treat. She did not climb a palm tree for the dates.



  1. Their little soiree in Los Angeles will not go well. That town likes to riot.

  2. How much I hate posts related to Trump I mean this guy is just good for nothing and I just hate each and every action of him.
