Could GOP Operatives Be Prosecuted For Trying to Obtain Clinton Emails?
A Republican operative tried last year to obtain emails he thought were stolen from Hillary Clinton’s private server by Russian hackers, the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday. According to the Journal, the operative claimed he was working on the effort with retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, then a top adviser to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign
The operative, Peter W. Smith—who spoke to the Journal days before his death this past May—also played a role in the 1990s scandal involving Arkansas state troopers’ claims that they helped arrange Bill Clinton’s trysts.
Every time someone says the president is a child or a toddler all I can think of is I've never met a child who's this much of a dick. - Rachel Dratch
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- Mosul: Iraqi forces take al-Nuri Mosque in final push to seize Old City
- Fighters surround ISIS-controlled Raqqa in Syria, commander says
- Germany says US, Russia must work together
- French far-right leader charged with alleged EU funds misuse
- Chicago PD, ATF team up to stop spread of illegal guns
Mika insult distracts from the fake Time cover which diverts us from AHCA which cloaks a huge tax cut for the rich. It's like a Russian doll. - Pete Buttigieg
A federal judge on Thursday blocked a California law set to take effect July 1 that bans residents under many circumstances from owning a firearm magazine capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition, court documents showed.
This NRA Ad Is Chilling
A National Rifle Association of America ad, narrated by conservative television host Dana Loesch, stirred controversy online.
Republican Shenanigans
- Morning Joe' Hosts and Trump Bring National Enquirer Into Their Feud
- Trump Tweets: Repeal Obama Health Law Now
- Why we should be very afraid of Trump's vote suppression commission
- 10 red states will sue Trump if he doesn't end the Dreamer program
- Rex Tillerson chewed out the White House personnel director, report says
- Texas Supreme Court Rules Against Benefits For Same-Sex Couples
- Like His Father, Donald Trump Jr. Uses Twitter to Target the Media
- A Brief Recap of Donald Trump's Own Alleged Plastic Surgery
Women are outraged and fed up with this President. Impeachment isn't enough. Should we explore exile? - Rep. Maxine Waters
Trump Found Another Way To Terrify Immigrants
The Trump administration plans to arrest parents and other relatives who authorities believe smuggled their children into the United States, a move immigrant advocates said would send a wave of fear through vulnerable communities.
Trump has insulted the looks of...
-Megyn Kelly
-Heidi Cruz
-Mika Brzezinski
-Elizabeth Warren
Never Insulted...
-Vladimir Putin
- Tony Posnanski
Comedy Central emailed me. Why, yes they did, And nicely asked if I would write about their new video on healthcare. Why, of course I will. The world would be a sadder place without Comedy Central.
Please watch their video so they'll email me again. :)
Obama Willing to Serve as Temp President While Trump Receives Psychiatric Evaluation - Andy Borowitz
Rock The Voter News
- 'That is an absolute lie,' Sanders says of Burlington College claims
- How Democrats Are Fighting The GOP Health Care Bill
- Deutsche Bank Refuses Democrats' Request for Reports on Trump
Good thing we avoided having an overemotional, drama-prone president by not electing a lady. - Laura Olin
Trump Wants To Be BIG BROTHER
Four things happened yesterday that prove we are witnessing the beginning of a nationwide voter-suppression campaign.
So far CA, KY, VA, MA, NC, MN, UT, OK, NY, TN & NM say they won't hand over sensitive voter data to Kris Kobach. - Ari Berman
Why does it seem Trump has insulted every person on the planet not named Putin or Flynn? - Joe DiSano
Business/Tech News
- US consumer spending rises modestly, inflation cools
- Trump's considering a tariff that could put the economy on a path to 'global recession'
- Delete Hate Speech or Pay Up, Germany Tells Social Media Companies
Pretty sure I saw Sarah Huckabee Sanders beating her kid with a Bible outside the Little Rock Dress Barn. - Joe DiSano
Costa Rica's New Ambassador
Sharon Day of Fort Lauderdale, a business executive turned Republican Party activist, is President Donald Trump’s nominee as the American envoy to Costa Rica..
The hair dryers look very Dr. Seuss