Dem nails ‘partisan’ Benghazi panel: Congress didn’t try to humiliate Reagan after ’83 Beirut bombing
During Thursday’s Benghazi committee hearing, Washington Rep. Adam Smith (D) accused the commission of being nothing more than a partisan attack against Hillary Clinton, a Democratic candidate for president.
The Benghazi Committee is outraged over the attack & will continue to be so until next election day when it will never be mentioned again.- John Fugelsang
The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam
- U.S. soldier killed in raid to free hostages of ISIS in Iraq
- US-Iraqi rescue operation 'foils IS mass execution'
- Obama to hold photo op to veto defense bill
The actual #Benghazi terrorists thank the #BenghaziCommittee for blaming the Benghazi attack on everyone but them.- John Fugelsang
Germany Has Their Haters Too
German officials said Thursday they had foiled an extremist plot to torch migrant shelters, adding to concerns over rising attacks on refugees in Europe as migrant arrivals hit new records.
In a sane world, this would be 8th committee investigating why no one was arrested for the financial crisis.- LOLGOP
72% Of Americans Are Sick Of This Benghazi Badgering
A CNN/ORC poll released on October 22nd finds that 72 percent of Americans believe the House Select Committee on Benghazi is mostly using the Benghazi investigation to achieve political gain. Only 23 percent of Americans think that the committee is conducting an objective investigation to find out what happened during the Benghazi attack.
Republican Shenanigans
- Benghazi Committee Hearing Descends Into A Shouting Match
- GOP Benghazi Chairman Rages: 'This Is Not A Prosecution' Of Clinton!
- Dick Cheney's book explains his 'exceptional' vision for America: War, torture ...
- Donald Trump Disses Iowa Voters With GMO Truther Retweet
- Ben Carson steals lead from Trump in key state of Iowa: survey
- Gov. Paul LePage: Public campaign financing is ‘like giving your wife your checkbook’
- Former Ron Paul Aide Convicted in Pay-for-Endorsement Case
Friendly reminder for everyone tweeting about how gross it was for Jeb Bush to say that the young actress who plays Supergirl is hot. - OhNoSheTwitnt
Trump Blames Corn For Drop In Polls
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Thursday reposted a tweet from a follower blaming his fall in a new Iowa poll on genetically modified corn that “creates issues in the brain.”
Unable to rattle Hillary Clinton with tough questions, Benghazi committee tries poking her with a sharp stick. - Kona Lowell
Texas Kid Moving To Qatar
The decision by the family of a Texas teenager to move to Qatar is not surprising in light of lingering anti-Muslim sentiment that makes many U.S. followers of Islam feel as if they are "under siege," a spokesman for a national Muslim-American group said Wednesday.
Jesus Christ Officially Endorses Fellow Socialist Bernie Sanders For President. - The Good God Above Tweet
Rock The Voter News
I should do the Rapture but only for guns and idiots.- The Good God Above Tweet
Texas Raids Planned Parenthood
Texas officials raided several Planned Parenthood facilities on Thursday, the group said, in a move that comes days after the state’s Republicans leaders barred the women’s health group from receiving state Medicaid money.
BREAKING: Benghazi Select Committee gets Hillary Clinton to break down and admit under oath that she was the 2nd gunman in the grassy knoll.- Tea Party Cat

Hoping 2018's and 2021's Benghazi hearings are better than this one.- LOLGOP
Business/Tech News
- Oil rises on support from gasoline, Wall Street strength
- US jobless claims up slightly, four-week average lowest since 1973
- Controversial cyber bill clears first Senate hurdle
- Apple stakes position against controversial cyber bill
There should be a box on our federal tax returns that we can check if we actually want to pay for the Benghazi hearings.- Andy Borowitz
Sheesh. Shigellosis Outbreak In California
Health officials in California are investigating an outbreak of shigellosis in California that sickened 93 people, and is now being linked to secondary infections of the highly contagious infection.
Most of the people hospitalized in the outbreak ate at the Mariscos San Juan Restaurant in San Juan, the Santa Clara Public Health Department said in a report.
Canada’s new Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, once put on a striptease show for charity. In Canada, a strip tease just means unzipping your outer layer of fleece.- Conan O'Brien
Odd News
- As incentive to vote, 1 Philadelphia resident will win $10K
- Pig-snouted turtle from dinosaur era discovered in Utah
- Alleged wedding crasher bites officer, police dog
- Man reunites with stolen car after more than 30 years
- Sold: 100 wooded acres in New Hampshire, possibly booby-trapped
Time To Deflate Photo
You're never too old to pull a good prank!
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