Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Glenn Beck airs ‘rape’ comedy skit to mock sexual assaults in response to Calif. shootings

Glenn Beck airs ‘rape’ comedy skit to mock sexual assaults in response to Calif. shootings

Glenn Beck’s The Blaze network recently created a comedy skit to illustrate a theory that women are not raped as often as studies have shown.

Just days after California shooter Elliot Rodger used his hatred of women as an excuse to kill six people, Glenn Beck presented a pre-recorded segment where co-host Stu Burguiere tries to prove that one and five women have not been victims of sexual assault.

Pat Robertson says husbands who do dishes should be rewarded by their wives with sex: "With each dish he’s saying, ‘I love you,’” and if you understood that and you say, ‘Darling, I got a treat for you … wait ’til we get behind closed doors and you’ll see the treat I have for you’ then, presumably, good things will happen."

I can't help what wondering what treat men are supposed to get for vacuuming. - Mad Kane

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

The War On Clean Air

 This summer is likely to see a series of attacks by industry opponents of a U.S. plan to curb carbon emissions from power plants in a bid to stir voter anger ahead of elections in November, when voters in states such as Kentucky and West Virginia may determine whether Democrats keep control of the Senate.

On Monday, the Environmental Protection Agency is expected to propose new rules to crack down on power plant emissions, part of President Barack Obama's efforts to combat global climate change.

SO: 83 gun deaths a day and a sexual assault every 2 minutes in America don't require any legislation. But birth control coverage does? - LOLGOP

“Republicans have pounced. They’re outraged. They say, 'How dare you lie about caring for the people who got hurt in the war we lied them into?'” – Bill Maher

Republican Shenanigans

Don’t make me go back to my old title...I had a show called “Politically Incorrect,” because, back then, political correctness had gotten so out of hand – I mean, blacks became “African Americans,” Mexicans became “Latinos” and Indians became casino owners. Broken homes became “dysfunctional families.”  Crazy people became “Fox News reporters.” - Bill Maher

I think Trump "pretends" to have a brain, that's the real reason for the comb over. ~ Marian Fisher

Mormon Utah Hates Small Businesses, Oktoberfest, and Just About Everything UnMormom

For the first time in 40 years, people attending Oktoberfest at the Snowbird Ski Resort may have to go without beer if the state of Utah has its way.

Whenever I meet Fox viewers, I say, "Look, ObamaCare isn't perfect but it did get Jay Leno canceled" and they cry.- LOLGOP

More False Hope?

After a mass shooting in California on Friday, House Democrats plan to press for action on gun control measures this week.

The no. 2 House Democrat told reporters that he and other Democrats are discussing whether to push for an amendment to a spending bill that would beef up background checks for those purchasing guns.

Rock The Voter News

Meanwhile, Back At The North And South Poles 

Big ocean waves whipped up by storms hundreds or even thousands of miles away from Earth’s poles could play a bigger role in breaking up polar sea ice and thus contributing to its melt more than had been thought, a new study suggests.

Maya Angelou, Our National Treasure Died Today

I was scouring Yahoo news this morning looking for material for ahnc, when I read of Maya Angelou's death. I reluctantly clicked on the comments, knowing that I would get incensed by the hateful comments. I did.

I took 2 screenshots of my comments and some of the responses. I was surprised to learn that Yahoo will not post the words, Ku Klux Klan or KKK, as shown in the 2nd graphic below. I was not surprised at the racists comments, and the ones below were tame.

Business/Tech News

Texass Style

Bartenders at Scruffy Duffies in Plano, Texas refused to take down a handwritten sign that made light of domestic violence after a customer requested it be removed.

The sign read, “I like my beer like I like my violence. Domestic.”

Nothing pisses off Republicans like ending their wars, cutting their deficits and reversing their layoff crises. - LOLGOP



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo


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