Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Hunter Biden found guilty of lying about drug use to buy gun

Hunter Biden found guilty of lying about drug use to buy gun
President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden was convicted by a jury on Tuesday of lying about his drug use to illegally buy a gun, a verdict Democrats may seize upon to counter Donald Trump’s claim of a justice system weaponized against him.

Rest of planet stunned to learn that the US even has gun laws. - David Frum

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

Joe Biden’s campaign has raised $400 billion since Hunter’s conviction. - Rick Lenzie

I Wonder If Putin Pays His U.S. Congressmen This Well

Let's just be f*cking real. It's malpractice that the Senate has not launched an official investigation into the BLATANT AND OPEN ethics violations of the Supreme Court. We need corruption hearings on C-SPAN during primetime, goddammit. Our highest court is no longer legitimate. -SweetfnLucifer

Republican Shenanigans

Martha Alito said “I’ll get them” while being secretly recorded. When asked who she was talking about, she said “ The media.” Then going on to talk about a 5 year statute of limitations for defamation. 

This b*tch is crazy. - Jack Hopkins

Apparently, The Justice Department Is Tired of Wild Goose Chases
The Justice Department informed House Republicans on Tuesday that an exhaustive search yielded no communications between the department and the Manhattan district attorney’s office, and again chastised House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) for spreading a “conspiracy theory.”

Just a little advice for MAGA….
If your guy passes out little cups of red kool-aid, don’t drink it. - Woman In The Moon


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Rock The Voter News

Samuel Alito is the activist judge McConnell and Republicans accuse others of being. - Covie

Biden Is Reaching Out To Boomers With Bingo & Pickleball

Women get it, but here’s a word to my male followers: imagine not being able to buy a condom, get a doctor to treat a genital illness, or seek care for your pregnant partner without triggering a police investigation or a search of your sexual history. That’s Trumplandia, guys. = Laurence Tribe


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Business/Tech News

Elon Musk is arguably the fourth most dangerous person in the world after Putin, Trump, and Kim Jong Un. For those keeping score. - Dave Troy

Remember when Bill Clinton’s teleprompter malfunctioned during a speech to Congress and no one could even tell because he didn’t once mention sharks? - Al Cappuccino


Monday, June 10, 2024

New Footage Shows Schumer Raging Trump Hadn't Sent the National Guard on Jan. 6th: I'd Like One 'Good F*cking Reason'

New Footage Shows Schumer Raging Trump Hadn't Sent the National Guard on Jan. 6th: I'd Like One 'Good F*cking Reason'
MSNBC on Monday aired never-before-seen footage of an irate Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) demanding to know why the National Guard had not yet been deployed to secure the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, 2021 after a pro-Trump mob attacked the building and forced lawmakers to evacuate.

Today Donald Trump meets with his probation officer. - Liam Nissan

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

JD Vance on D-Day: "Ask the Greatest Generation what they feel about sex changes for minors."

Too Dangerous For Food Distribution In Gaza: Cindy McCain

Sadly, Mike Pence not voting for the guy who tried to lynch him is as ballsy as today's Republican Party gets. - Middle Age Riot

Republican Shenanigans

Marjorie Taylor Greene Warns That Windmills Will Drive up Cost of Wind. - Andy Borowitz

They're Locked and Loaded, Looking For Revenge.
House Republicans are leaning into their investigations this week, holding a key floor vote and high-profile hearing as they look to go on offense to contrast the ongoing legal entanglements surrounding former President Trump.

The groomers aren’t in the schools.

They are in the churches. - John Collins

MAGA Christianity.   
Still 100% Jesus-free!
Let's go persecute some migrants & trans children! - John Fugelsang


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Rock The Voter News

Trump: it's 110, but it doesn't feel it to me, right. If anybody goes down. Everybody was so worried yesterday about you and they never mentioned me. I'm up here sweating like a dog. They don’t think about me. This is hard work.

Grifters Gonna Grift
A right-wing website is selling flags to honor Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, after he appears to have made several false statements, including in a letter to Congress, about why flags associated with the January 6 insurrection and the "Stop the Steal" conspiracy movement were flying at his homes.

It’s weird how the focus is on whether the gifts were reported, instead of why they were received. - John Collins


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Business/Tech News

If only bullets were as expensive as Epipens and Insulin. - Brandon Unger

This Sounds Interesting

I don't care if Donald's cell mate is MAGA, he will end up hating Trump's guts by the end of the first day. - DesignationSix


Friday, June 7, 2024

Former Trump aides Mark Meadows, Mike Roman plead not guilty in Arizona fake electors case

Two former top Trump aides pleaded not guilty in Maricopa County court Friday morning for their alleged efforts to overturn the 2020...

One of the worst of the bunch. Mark Meadows. He was there each day. He saw it all. He knew it all. He PARTICIPATED in it all. Mark Meadows is a f*cking traitor. - Jack Hopkins

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

New Rule:  Political parties who reject democracy & want to disband NATO don't get to pretend they care about D-Day. - John Fugelsang

Republicans Are Traitors and Damn Proud Of It!
A visit to the Pennsylvania House floor by two former police officers who helped protect the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6 riot of 2021 drew boos and walkouts by some Republican legislators this week.

Republican Shenanigans

Dr Phil on Trump carrying out his revenge and retribution:  “He didn’t say that.  If he did say it he didn’t mean it.”

Dr. Phil went from scolding out of control teenage girls to fully supporting an out of control old guy. What a career arc. - Jeremy Newberger

Apparently, There Are Trump Supporters Willing To Get Heat Stroke
Supporters of former President Donald Trump braved extreme heat on Thursday as they waited to see the presumptive GOP nominee. Local media reported that Phoenix Fire officials announced 11 people waiting for Trump were taken to area hospitals due to heat-related illness.

How the media found a way to talk about Bidens shoes when Trump has to start wearing an ankle monitor is how you know our civilization is finished. - BlackKnight10k

Prison Guards Dreading Body Search of Bannon. - Andy Borowitz

Ooooh, That Smell...

You’d think Clarence Thomas taking bribes from GOP billionaire Harlan Crow & Samuel Alito taking bribes from GOP billionaire Paul Singer & Neil Gorsuch taking bribes from GOP billionaire Philip Anschutz & Brett Kavanaugh getting his debts paid off - would be a bigger deal. - anyonewantchips


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Business/Tech News

Is the Biden economy creating too many jobs? - New York Times Pitchbot

Musk Knew. That Is Why He Bought Twitter and Turned It Into A Sewer.

You’re awesome.

Just a reminder.



I concur. Yesterday, I was playing fetch with Taco. After one throw it felt as though someone stuck a hot poker in my tricep and then it disappeared like magic.

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The Bridge Of Immortals, Mount Tai, China. I love how the tree is growing right out of the stone.
