Saturday, May 28, 2016

Trump Tells California 'There Is No Drought'

Trump Tells California 'There Is No Drought'
Trump tells a state in the middle of a water crisis that if he is president, he plans to just "start opening up the water" to ensure farmers have enough.

Make America Evolve Forward Again - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

GOP primary voters just nominated for President their 3rd millionaire-at-birth 'Nam supporter/'Nam dodger of this young century. - John Fugelsang

Honoring Japan
Nearly 71 years after an American bomber passed high above this Japanese city on a clear August morning on a mission that would alter history, President Obama on Friday made a solemn visit to Hiroshima to offer respects to the ...

Obama doesn't care about vets, say the politicians who sent them to war on a lie before cutting food stamps & UE benefits.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

The fact that pretty much no one in govt is trying to take our guns is the clearest sign yet they're coming for our guns.- John Fugelsang

Trump Backs Out Of Debate With Sanders
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) had a bemused response on Friday to Donald Trump’s decision to back out of a suggested debate between the two.
“Well, Mr. Trump, what are you afraid of?” the Democratic candidate said.
Sanders said reporters were the first to inform him that Trump pulled out of the prospective debate...

"Donald Trump is floating another conspiracy theory which suggests that Hillary Clinton is a murderer. Today Bill Clinton said, 'Trust me, if that lady could kill, I would not be alive.'" –Conan O'Brien


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"The latest NBC/Wall Street Journal poll has found that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have nearly opposite results with rural voters compared to urban voters, with Clinton leading Trump by 25 percent in cities, and Trump beating Clinton by 31 percent in places where he wouldn't be caught dead." –Seth Meyers

Rock The Voter News

I like when the same people who call HRC a lesbian also claim she killed her lover Vince Foster. - John Fugelsang

WTG! Trump Berates Judge!
In one of his most personal attacks against an apolitical figure since becoming the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump delivered an extended tirade about the federal judge overseeing the civil litigation against his defunct education program.


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"Donald Trump is now ahead of Hillary Clinton in the polls. This was reported today in The Washington Post, and 2,000 years ago in the Book of Revelation." –Conan O'Brien

Biz/Tech News

"It's reported that Donald Trump may have actually done business with the mob ... even has ties to an ex-convict named Joey No Socks. When asked about his relationship with Trump, Joey No Socks said, 'That's between me and Donny Three Wives.'" –Jimmy Fallon

Another Party. Another Businessman.
Libertarian presidential candidate John McAfee, perhaps best known for his antivirus software business, said he knows the party has no chance of winning the White House.
“Please, we are not that stupid,” McAfee told MSNBC at the party’s convention in Florida.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

These Chinese children must scale a 2,600 Ft cliff to get to school, in Zhaojue county, southwest China's Sichuan province.
The rickety bamboo ladder might get upgraded to a set of steel stairs.


Friday, May 27, 2016

Hello everyone.

I sure have missed you. I will post a new edition this weekend.

My son is staying an extra day. The video below captures how I feel.

Thank you for stopping by.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Vacation for AHNC

Today my son arrives to spend a week with me. I want to give him my undivided attention.

I will return next Friday with photos. Maybe I'll take him fishing?

Thank you so much for visiting.


A mother wolf teaching her pups how to howl. I taught my son how to whistle!


Thursday, May 19, 2016

Trump leads Clinton by 5 points in Rasmussen poll

Trump leads Clinton by 5 points in Rasmussen poll
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has increased his lead over Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, according to a new Rasmussen Reports poll released Thursday.

Republican strategy: make the 2016 campaign about the embarrassing things Bill Clinton did twenty years ago instead of the embarrassing things Donald Trump did this week.- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Melania Trump on her husband: 'He's not Hitler'.  The rest of us would like a second opinion. - Tea Pain

What? Is The GOP Trying To Shed Their Racist Image?
The House has voted to ban the display of the Confederate flag on flagpoles at Department of Veterans Affairs cemeteries.

Republican Shenanigans

A man dressed like a women in a bathroom scares Conservatives. A man dressed like a Conservative congressmen in a bathroom scares everybody. - Tea Pain

The GOP Keeps Their Homophobic Image!
The House floor devolved into chaos and shouting on Thursday as a measure to ensure protections for members of the LGBT community narrowly failed to pass after Republican leaders urged their members to change their votes.

Donald Trump: “I’m not a misogynist. I just prefer women who don’t get born ugly.”- Tea Party Cat


 Click here to meet C.W.


Oklahoma To Jail Abortion Doctors
Any doctor who performs an abortion in Oklahoma could be charged with a felony and punished with up to three years in prison under a bill that the Legislature passed Thursday.

Rock The Voter News

What Will Happen At The Democratic Convention?
The only senator to endorse Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is “absolutely” opposed to a convention-floor battle to flip superdelegates who support Hillary Clinton.


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Biz/Tech News

The guys who are nominating Donald Trump for president are worried Facebook is hurting conservatism.- LOLGOP

White Collar Crime And Golf?
The professional golfer Phil Mickelson has agreed to forfeit nearly $1 million that the Securities and Exchange Commission said was unfairly earned on a tip from an insider trading scheme conducted by a former corporate director and a professional gambler.

I'm deeply offended that you would call me a Grammar Nazi when it's clear I was being a Punctuation Nazi. - John Fugelsang


Is Anyone Out There?


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Athabasca Falls, Jasper National Park, Canada. Just stunning.


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Trump Feelings Chart

Top U.S. intelligence official: Foreign hackers are spying on presidential candidates
The nation's top intelligence official says the U.S. has seen indications of foreign hackers spying on the presidential candidates.

Under President Trump the Supreme Court will just be him using 9 different voices. - OhNoSheTwitnt

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Trump will announce the list of the jails he'll use to imprison the generals who disobey his orders.- LOLGOP

Trump says he"s "open to meet Kim Kong Un." 
They'd be fast friends, so much in common! They're both deranged brats with awful hair. - The GoodGodAbove Tweet

UK To Shake Up Their Prisons
The government's planned new laws have been set out by the Queen - including the biggest prison shake-up in England and Wales "since Victorian times".

Republican Shenanigans

Finally, Trump will release a list of words you will no longer be allowed to use to describe his snausage fingers.- LOLGOP

Texas Supreme Court Justice Don Willett was named as one of 11 potential justices whom Donald Trump would consider nominating for the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday.
But in recent months, the jurist has appeared skeptical of the now-presumptive GOP front-runner and seemed to openly mock him on Twitter.

Donald Trump's ex-girlfriend says her quotes in the New York Times expose this week were twisted to sound negative, but that she didn't have a negative experience with Trump. Then she said, “Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go drive the new Porsche I can suddenly afford.” -  Jimmy Fallon


 Click here to meet C.W.


What Is Going On Here?
Bernie Sanders' mini-winning streak continued with his victory in Oregon on Tuesday, but the day was not without its downside.
Nevada's Democratic Party filed a formal complaint on Tuesday accusing the Democratic hopeful of inciting "actual violence" among his supporters during a chaotic state convention on Saturday. 

I wish the Democratic candidates would take up the Zika issue today. Would be great to see them stand together on a public health crisis.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Racists Be Racists
Trump’s bigoted base: Keeping minorities down is the No. 1 issue for the billionaire’s backers — it’s not a theory, it’s a fact
Data shows Trump voters, above all, are motivated by negative feelings about people who aren't like them


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Biz/Tech News

The GOP is worried about working Americans getting compensated for overtime. Not so concerned about CEO pay rising 90X faster than workers. - LOLGOP

Obama Is Playing Hardball With The Chinese
The US raises its import duties on Chinese steelmakers by more than fivefold after accusing them of selling their products below market prices.


How I Feel When I Receive A Donation

So close to $2000, Yet So Far Away!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Wild Cherry Trees in Nara, Japan.
