Trump leads Clinton by 5 points in Rasmussen poll
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has increased his lead over Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, according to a new Rasmussen Reports poll released Thursday.
Republican strategy: make the 2016 campaign about the embarrassing things Bill Clinton did twenty years ago instead of the embarrassing things Donald Trump did this week.- Andy Borowitz
The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam
- Officials: Terrorism suspected in crash of EgyptAir flight carrying 66
- Afghan official: Roadside bomb kills 11 in northern province
- Israel set to form 'most right-wing government in history'
- Kerry welcomes efforts to revive Palestinian-Israeli peace talks
Melania Trump on her husband: 'He's not Hitler'. The rest of us would like a second opinion. - Tea Pain
What? Is The GOP Trying To Shed Their Racist Image?
The House has voted to ban the display of the Confederate flag on flagpoles at Department of Veterans Affairs cemeteries.
Republican Shenanigans
- Dying Ex-GOP Sen. Spent His Last Days Apologizing To Muslims For Trump
- Trump blames Muslim terrorists for EgyptAir crash before crash is even confirmed
- ‘A plus for Donald’: Fox host can’t wait to plot how EgyptAir tragedy can help Trump defeat Dems
- Trump revives rape allegations against Bill Clinton in Hannity interview
- Bill O’Reilly’s answer to trans restroom ‘problem’: Obama and Congress should watch ‘Animal House’
- Steve King Urges Civil Disobedience To Avoid Plague Of 'Sweaty Women'
- Meet the big NRA sponsor who loves smearing slain black kids and their families
A man dressed like a women in a bathroom scares Conservatives. A man dressed like a Conservative congressmen in a bathroom scares everybody. - Tea Pain
The House floor devolved into chaos and shouting on Thursday as a measure to ensure protections for members of the LGBT community narrowly failed to pass after Republican leaders urged their members to change their votes.
Donald Trump: “I’m not a misogynist. I just prefer women who don’t get born ugly.”- Tea Party Cat
Oklahoma To Jail Abortion Doctors
Any doctor who performs an abortion in Oklahoma could be charged with a felony and punished with up to three years in prison under a bill that the Legislature passed Thursday.
Rock The Voter News
- Allegations of fraud and misconduct at Nevada Democratic convention unfounded
- Sanders Has Spent The Most On Ads, But Trump Has Spent Best
- Jimmy Kimmel releases ad for VP campaign
What Will Happen At The Democratic Convention?
The only senator to endorse Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is “absolutely” opposed to a convention-floor battle to flip superdelegates who support Hillary Clinton.

Biz/Tech News
- Crude Oil 48.59
- Trump still making money off his bogus university — and doing business with the Saudis
- Glenn Beck: Facebook meeting "felt like the Salem Witch Trial"
The guys who are nominating Donald Trump for president are worried Facebook is hurting conservatism.- LOLGOP
White Collar Crime And Golf?
The professional golfer Phil Mickelson has agreed to forfeit nearly $1 million that the Securities and Exchange Commission said was unfairly earned on a tip from an insider trading scheme conducted by a former corporate director and a professional gambler.
I'm deeply offended that you would call me a Grammar Nazi when it's clear I was being a Punctuation Nazi. - John Fugelsang
Is Anyone Out There?
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