Wednesday, July 10, 2024

George Clooney implores Biden to step aside in opinion article

The actor says he talked to Biden at LA fundraiser and concluded: 'We are not going to win with this president'

Biden, who famously doesn't listen to "elites," now receives a public plea to drop out from one of his most high-profile fundraisers, George Clooney. Clooney also called him in June and asked him to quit besmirching the ICC, where his wife works, to protect Israeli war criminals. - Emma Vigeland

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

We should be talking about the fact that our feeds today would have been dominated by tomorrow's sentencing of Trump on 34 felonies but because of a corrupt Supreme Court we're only discussing Biden. - Will Bunch

Watch The Video, He Wasn't Smirking.
State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller’s press conference took a contentious turn Tuesday when reporter Sam Husseini accused him of “smirking” as he discussed the number of civilian deaths in Gaza.

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are building a luxury resort in Albania that will be managed by Aman Resorts, owned by Russian businessman Vladislav Doronin, Reminder that Doronin among other things is also Blavatnik’s partner (front man for Kremlin)

Of course, Ivanka and Kushner continue to take Russian money. - Olga Lautman

Trump Requires Running Mate to Also be Cellmate. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Due to the vigilance of Republican governor Greg Abbott, the only time Texans won't have air conditioning this summer is when it is dangerously hot. - Middle Age Riot

Trump Appointed Judge Resigns. But The Reason Why, Oh My.

Democrats: "Our candidate has to be perfect in every way. An eloquent statesman of pure articulate genius. A blameless, faultless, sinless, spotless paragon of absolute virtue. An angel. A saint."

Republicans: "We literally don't care if our candidate is a convicted criminal."- Middle Age Riot


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Rock The Voter News

For those saying the media won't stop until Biden is all aren't prepared at all for what they're gonna do to Kamala Harris. - Wajahat Ali

Well, Someone In Congress Is Working: AOC Introduced Articles of Impeachment Against Alito & Thomas
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) on Wednesday introduced articles of impeachment against Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, citing their “pattern of refusal to recuse” themselves from matters to which they are connected and their “failure to disclose” millions of dollars in gifts over decades.

You know who will do just fine if Trump wins? 

People like George Clooney, Stephen King, Rob Reiner, Stephen Colbert, and Jon Stewart.

118 days to the election.

This is the wrong fight. - John Pavlovitz


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Business/Tech News

Donald Trump raped children.

The media is ignoring it because they want him reelected because he is good for ratings. - Mark Romano

Wow. CNN Is Firing People and Launching A Paid Digital Product. I Bet Jake Tapper, Dana Bash, Jonathan King, David Axelrod, etc... Won't Be Fired. Same Old, Same Old.

Biden was up in the polls after the debate. After almost 2 weeks of non-stop coverage of Biden bashing, Biden dropped in the polls. Apparently, CNN is paying the cost.

On this date in 1776 the statue of King George III was pulled down in New York City.

Because America didn't want a king who lived above the law. - John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Mt. Tymfi in Greece. Why do people stand so close to the edge? Shiver me timbers.


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Marla Maples: I’m Ready to Be Trump’s Veep

The former president’s second wife opened up on her relationship with Trump and 2024 in a new interview, and sources tell the Evening Standard she’s ready to join the veepstakes.

Marla Maples has as few morals as Trump. When she and Trump were openly dating while he was still married to Ivana, Marla would hurl insults about Ivana to the press. Nice, huh?

There is a presidential candidate who rambles at length about being eaten by a shark and electrocuted by a boat, and he is not the one whose mental state is being scrutinized. - Andy Borowitz

I don’t care about White House logs showing a doctor visiting. 

I care about call logs showing Trump communicating with Jeffrey Epstein. - KD

The Sad Thing Is That The Supreme Court Will Throw Out Any Case Brought Against Justice Clarence Thomas 

Clarence Thomas Torn Over Case Where Both Sides Offer Compelling Scuba Trips. - The Onion

Republican Shenanigans

George Santos Urges Trump to Step Aside for Him. - Andy Borowitz

I'm So Old I Remember George W. Bush Saying He Left The Oval Office At 5pm and His Bedtime Was 9pm

For anyone that needs a primer, Jeff Zucker was head of NBC/Univ when Trump hosted ‘Apprentice’ & ‘CA’ Trump was the same guy then he is now: snorting Addy, sexual harassing, racist. I if knew about it don’t u think head of network did? Zucker left and went to CNN & helped Trump. - Noel Casler

The Right has spent decades glamorizing the military, militarizing the police, flooding the nation with weapons of war, encouraging vigilante violence, and saturating the culture with fear- & anger-based propaganda...what could possibly go wrong? - Curtis Rissmiller

Trump Screens VP Candidates for Any Worrisome Signs of Self-esteem. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

Stop asking Biden to drop out over the first 30 minutes of a debate and start asking Trump to drop out over the Epstein stuff, Project 2025, the Coup on our nation's Capitol, his botched response to Covid, his 34 felony counts against him for business fraud and hush money payments - Richard N. Ojeda II

Flashback Meme from 9 years ago

Hillary Has Already Said She Would Not Run. But Here's A Poll Anyway!
Both Vice President Harris and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ran ahead of former President Trump in a new survey from a Democratic pollster, while President Biden trailed slightly behind the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.

DNC has launched billboards tying Trump to Project 2025 in Doral, Florida ahead of his rally tonight. - Outspoken


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Business/Tech News

When you deport millions of working Latinos in an already understaffed job market, how do you fill those jobs?

You slash social security and force millions over the age of 65 back into the workforce.

That’s Project 2025. - cjnmm

Treasury Secretary Defends Biden

There are two people you should never trust. A religious leader who tells you how to vote and a politician who tells you how to pray. - Alex Cole

Monday, July 8, 2024

Since It's Not In The NEWS: The newly unsealed Jeffrey Epstein documents have Donald Trump's name all over them.

Former President Donald Trump may have fought to keep his name redacted in court documents before a judge ordered to have it unsealed.

Hey MAGA, why did Trump make 69 calls to known child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein? - Tea Pain

To A Room Of Main Stream Media...

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

One failed attempt at a shoe bomb and we all take our shoes off at the airport. 

One failed attempt at overthrowing our country and we still allow the guy who orchestrated it to run for President so he can do it again.

Why aren’t we protecting America from right-wing terrorism? - Melanie D'Arrigo 


On NPR they said French people were crying with happiness and relief when they avoided fascism with their votes. I can't wait to feel that here.  - Paula Poundstone

Republican Shenanigans

Biden Uses Absolute Power Granted by Supreme Court to Declare Himself 40 Years Old. - Andy Borowitz

Media 2016: "You shouldn't make medical diagnoses of Trump if you haven't examined him."

Media 2024: "Let's all medically diagnose Biden without examining him." - Alex Cole

My Take On Project 2025: They Plan To Make The Self-Proclaimed Moses President (aka Mike Johnson). Trump Is Just Their Fool Tool.

Hillary Clinton is literally warning us about Project 2025 and Trump.

You better God damn listen to her this time. - aes

Reminder of the media's 2016 coverage of Hillary


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Rock The Voter News

All these people saying Biden should step down while Mitch McConnell is still out there somewhere buffering. - Rick Lenzie

Joe Tells Democrats, They Need To Step Up

Biden has had 18 appearances in 10 days. Trump has had ZERO

Hello, media? 

The media reminds me of people who just walk into traffic without looking - BlackKnight10k


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Business/Tech News

I want a President that wasn't leaving Jeffrey Epstein voicemails at 3 A.M. - TheRealThelma

Boeing Pleads Guilty To "Fraudulently" Killing People
Boeing (BA) will plead guilty to criminal fraud conspiracy in a Justice Department agreement that brands the aviation giant as a corporate felon but could resolve a big legal headache as Boeing tries to convince customers and investors that it has its problems under control.

The French Election and the British Election are good signs for the democrats come November. Trump’s team is worried. They have an unpopular hard right agenda and a candidate that disliked by a majority of his fellow Americans. - Anthony Scaramucci


Here's a photo of why my electricity was out. 
Very dangerous 3 way intersection with no light. Sigh.
At least no one was killed. A big semi hit the pole.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Lake Nakuru - Kenya, is the nesting site of over a million pink flamingos.
