Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Leaders urge Americans to cancel New Year plans

Leaders across the country are urging Americans to scrap their New Year's Eve plans and stay home for the second year in a row.
Cases spreading at a record-setting pace...

If this were 1942 instead of 2022, Republicans would be running against food and energy rationing in the name of freedom.

No concept of sacrifice or patriotism. - Michael Rosenberg

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Sen. Claire McCaskill:”Merrick Garland is either going to rise to the occasion or go down in infamy as one of the worst attorney generals in this country’s history.

The Beginning Of Draining The Right Wing's Pockets

I’d like to think Merrick Garland has a plan.

I’d like to think it. - John Collins

Republican Shenanigans

Jurors in the Ghislane Maxwell trial sent the judge a note asking if they can convict Trump as well. According to highly unreliable sources. - Hoodlum tweet

Dr. Oz has a new miracle pill. You take it and it makes you forget that Dr. Oz sold fake miracle pills. - Jeremy Newberger

COVID Cruise Ships Can Dock In Mexico

Every week Republicans are excited about a new candidate because the one they liked last week turned out to be a mooooron.
--Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

I  can’t believe we live in a country stupid enough to tear itself apart over Donald f*cking trump. Insane. - Luke Zaleski tweet

Rest In Peace, Harry Reid
Harry Reid, the pugnacious son of a Nevada hard-rock miner who rose from poverty to become the U.S. Senate majority leader and earned a reputation as a fierce partisan fighter during an era of political gridlock in Washington, died on Tuesday. He was 82.

My favorite Harry Reid story is when he worked on the Nevada Gaming Commission in the 1970s, and a mobster tried to bribe him. Reid went to the FBI and set up a sting, but when the time came, Reid went off-script and choked the guy! "You son of a bitch, you tried to bribe me!" - Adversus Nihilismus tweet


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Business/Tech News

"Let's Go Brandon" is code for "I park on my front lawn" - Liam Nissan

You Couldn't Pay Me To Go On A Cruise During A Pandemic
86 cruise ships carrying passengers in U.S. waters were reporting coronavirus cases onboard, the most since the comeback, according to CDC tracking data.

When this pandemic is over, I'm still going to need that 6 feet of social distancing.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

-42 Celsius in Novosibirsk, Russia, is not on my bucket list.


Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Trump Adviser Peter Navarro Lays Out How He and Bannon Planned to Overturn Biden’s Electoral Win

A former Trump White House official says he and right-wing provocateur Steve Bannon were actually...

We spent a lot of time lining up over 100 congressmen, incl some senators. It started out perfectly. At 1 p.m., Gosar and Cruz did exactly what was expected of them, it was a perfect plan. We didn’t even need any protestors, we had over 100 congressmen committed to it. - Peter Navarro

I’m not saying Steve Bannon should die in prison.

I’m saying we should give him the chance. - Middle Age Riot

Where Do They Find These People? Under Rocks?
A Republican candidate for the House of Representatives has suggested that the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff should face a court-martial and be executed on live television if found guilty.

HOLIDAY TIP: If you want to spend the holidays at home, don’t storm the Capitol. - Middle Age Riot


Republican Shenanigans

Donald Trump didn't create the insane 20% of our population.

He awakened them. - Don Winslow

Apparently, Schmeck Is A Schmuck

Jared Schmeck reminds us that the Trump Republicans are not only coarse, vulgar, crude, ill-mannered and simple-minded, but also... proud of it

They wear their Philistinism as a Badge of Honour !

It's the aggressive version of an Inferiority Complex. - John Cleese tweet


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Rock The Voter News

Am I the only reporter who remembers that Donald Trump went to a debate with Joe Biden knowing that he had tested positive and that constituted a deliberate attempt to infect Biden? - Victoria Brownworth

Republicans hated Russia until Russia put them on the payroll. - The Earl of Ram tweet


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I'm not a scientist, so I could be wrong, but it seems to me that if we did not allow the unvaccinated the use of public transportation, access to any restaurant, bar, store or public space, we could get this pandemic under control. - Kona Lowell

Business/Tech News

The biases the media has are much bigger than conservative or liberal. They're about getting ratings, about making money, about doing stories that are easy to cover.
--Al Franken

Gas Here In Costa Rica Is Around $5 A Gallon
Pain at the pump will get worse before it gets better.

Vaccinated or not please stop standing so close to me in line. - Chloe tweet 


Monday, December 27, 2021

Fauci on domestic air travel mandate: Anything to get people more vaccinated 'would be welcome'

Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious diseases expert, said Sunday, "anything that could get people more vaccinated would be welcome" when asked about what he thinks of the notion of domestic air travel vaccine mandates. 

Face it, we’re going to reach herd stupidity before herd immunity. - Jerry Avenaim

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

To every man complaining that they are being forced to be vaccinated.


Why Isn't This Woman Locked Up?
If the owners of Publix are Trump supporters, that's their prerogative, understanding Trump's huge tax cut was a boon to their bottom line. That it caused the deficit to balloon is incidental but what Julie Fancelli did as the daughter of Publix founder is totally un-American. She wired $650,000 to three groups to organize the Trump insurrection-instigated rally. Good people of Florida, you have a choice of where to shop, even though Publix saturates the market.

I don't want to say America's standards have gone down, but our media can't stop praising Dan Quayle bc he didn't agree with treason. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

For the record: Colin Kaepernick never killed anyone during a protest or curse out a President on the phone.

He deserves a LOT more respect. - Brooklyn Dad tweet

Good Thing She Is Locked Up.

The same people who want to tell woman when they can get an abortion don’t want to be told when to get a vaccine. - Middle Age Riot


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Rock The Voter News

From the minds that created “Space Force” and operation “Warp Speed” comes  the phase “Let’s go Brandon.”
Maybe our expectations are too high… - Woman In The Moon tweet

My My My, There Were No Product Shortages After All.
Holiday sales rose at the fastest pace in 17 years, even as shoppers grappled with higher prices, product shortages and a raging new COVID-19 variant in the last few weeks of the season, according to one spending measure.

"Let's Go Brandon" is code for "I take livestock medicine" - Liam Nissan


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Business/Tech News

If there’s one thing we’ve learned from this wretched pandemic it’s that nurses and health care workers deserve a raise. - Robert Reich

Dear Gawd, There's A Massive Bird Flu Outbreak In Galilee 
Israel’s National Security Council has assumed control of a massive bird flu outbreak in the Galilee that scientists warn could become a “mass disaster” for humans.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
--Desmond Tutu
