Monday, November 22, 2021

Leaked Texts: Jan. 6 Organizers Say They Were ‘Following POTUS’ Lead’

Rally planners coordinated closely with the White House before Jan. 6 and readied a dinner party while the Capitol was under siege, according to leaked group text messages obtained by Rolling Stone

Republican law and order:

If you’re one of ours, you can shoot anybody.

If you’re one of theirs, anybody can shoot you. - Middle Age Riot

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Dear right wing evangelical friends:

If you hate liberals 
and long for a religious conservative gov't
w/no feminism, gay marriage, or reproductive choice
where rap music is banned
but executions are frequent...

Iran is waiting for YOU. - John Fugelsang

Another Car Crashes Into Protesters

Stephen Colbert: “When Pence’s aide (on Jan. 6) called Kushner directly to maybe keep the VP from getting hanged, Kushner told Short that he had neither the time nor the interest because he was working on “Middle East peace”….
Oh, so that’s why the Middle East is fine now.”

Michael Cohen Completes House Arrest
Michael Cohen, the onetime personal lawyer and fixer for former U.S. President Donald Trump, walked out of federal court a free man on Monday at the end of his three-year sentence for campaign finance violations and other crimes.

My favorite Bible story is probably the one where Jesus brings an AR-15 to the Sermon on the Mount just in case someone needs medical assistance and then he goes on Hannity to brag about how he got away with it. - Jeff Tiedrich


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Rock The Voter News

Democrats want you to have bridges and broadband and affordable prescription drugs. 

Republicans want you to be able to shoot anyone you hate. - Jeff Tiedrich

Jan. 6 Committee Wants Trump's Documents. Now!
The select House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol attack told a federal appeals court on Monday that it urgently needs extensive records from former President Trump's White House, arguing that more time would hinder its probe.

Tucker Carlson Late To Work After Being Murdered By Hordes Of Violent Minorities Again. - The Onion


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Business/Tech News

Black Friday - when we celebrate the birthday of a guy who renounced material possessions by buying lots of stuff. - John Fugelsang

Apparently, the DOJ Doesn't Want Trump Back On Facebook
The Justice Department intervened in former President Donald Trump's lawsuit against Facebook to defend the constitutionality of Section 230, an internet communications law, according to court filings.

Fauci Urges Americans to Use COVID as Excuse to Skip Thanksgiving with Horrible Relatives. - Andy Borowitz



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
If I saw this Tasselled Wobbegong shark while snorkeling, I would have morphed into a helicopter.


Friday, November 19, 2021

House Approves $1.64 Trillion Build Back Better Bill

The House passed President Joe Biden's Build Back Better proposal Friday morning by a 220-213 vote. It had no Republican support. The package now goes to the Senate.

Your Friday news roundup: House Democrats passed Build Back Better legislation. Republicans are still mad at puppets. - Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans
If Kyle Rittenhouse had been black, we'd all be fighting over why the cops who killed him aren't on trial. - John Fugelsang

Crying Apparently Works For White Men 

Innocent until proven white. - TheTweetOfGod

Get ready for Shooting the Sh*t with Kyle Rittenhouse, a new primetime show on Fox News. - Jeremy Newberger

Sen. Kennedy Forgot To Wear His White Hood
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) accused one of her Senate Republican colleagues of “Red Scare tactics” in his questioning of a nominee who was born in the Soviet Union in 1966...Sen. Kennedy said, “I don’t mean any disrespect. I don’t know whether to call you professor or comrade.”

Republican Shenanigans

Stephen Colbert: “When Pence’s aide (on Jan. 6) called Kushner directly to maybe keep the VP from getting hanged, Kushner told Short that he had neither the time nor the interest because he was working on “Middle East peace”….
Oh, so that’s why the Middle East is fine now.”

LOLZ. The QAnon Shaman's Lawyer Really Doesn't Like Trump.
The lawyer for Jacob Chansley, who is known as the “QAnon Shaman,” said on Wednesday that his message to former President Trump was to take care of “the jackasses that you f----- up because of January 6.”


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Rock The Voter News

Tick Tock, Louis DeJoy
President Biden is expected to make an announcement on Friday that Postal Service Board of Governors Chairman Ron Bloom, whose term expires in December, will not be renominated, The Washington Post reported.

Today is another one of those days when people around the world look at us and say, "I'm never visiting America." - HillaryWarnedUs tweet


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Business/Tech News

Avoid Mexican Onions
The coast-to-coast salmonella outbreak linked to whole onions imported from Chihuahua, Mexico, continues to expand, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention update.

Our gun laws are protecting the wrong people. - Judy Chu


Thursday, November 18, 2021

Gosar's brother commends Ocasio-Cortez, calls brother 'dangerous'

The brother of Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) on Wednesday commended Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) for her speech calling for the Arizona lawmaker to be censured for posting an anime video depicting violence against the New York congresswoman while also calling his sibling “dangerous.”

I wonder how long before a Democrat in Congress is violently attacked. 

Republicans are angrily defending a man who posted a video showing the bloody decapitation of a colleague. And promising revenge. This is what we’ve come to. - Stephen King

Minutes after being censured for posting an animated video of him killing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Paul Gosar reposted the same video on Twitter because Republican voters don't care if their representatives make their lives better as long as they make others' lives worse. - Middle Age Riot

They Are Locked & Loaded, People.
Conservative commentator and former radio host Michael Savage brandished two dueling pistols while on Newsmax Tuesday night, saying that he has a “solution to the problem” with the left in the United States.

And Jesus say unto us that it is okay to make death threats as long as thou art kidding. 

Revulsions 14:16

Republican Shenanigans

Turns out the only actual voting machine fraud may have been committed by Lauren Boebert’s campaign manager. - Tristan Snell


GOP Senators Are SHOCKED At The GOP House. Yeah, Sure They Are.
Republican senators are expressing shock and disbelief that conservative allies of former President Trump in the House threatened to strip colleagues who voted for the $1 trillion infrastructure bill of their committee assignments.

If Lee Harvey Oswald were around today he’d say he shot JFK in self-defense. - Andy Borowitz

There’s a lot to be outraged about today’s American politics. But 207 Republican Members of Congress refusing to condemn one of their own who depicts - and potentially incites - violence against a colleague, should be high on the list. - Carrie Cordero

So Sad, Bill Maher Is Suffering From Dennis Miller Syndrome
Bill Maher showed off his political iconoclastic nature when he called out to CNN’s Chris Cuomo the situational standards of cable news coverage...“Something like Hunter Biden, I mean, if Don, Jr. had done what Hunter Biden had done, it would be every night, all night on MSNBC,” Maher said in reference to the troubled son of President Joe Biden and his struggles with addiction and laptop tracking.

Paul Gosar has learned his lesson

by Susan Collins

- DougJBalloon tweet

I just want a man who looks at me the way Joe Manchin looks at the filibuster or Judge Schroeder looks at Kyle Rittenhouse. - Randi Mayem Singer


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Business/Tech News

Remember that time Russia hacked the entire U.S. government and then there was a coup and no one ever mentioned it again? Fun times. - BlackKnight10K tweet

CVS To Close Hundreds of Stores, Probably Due To The Expense of 15 Foot Receipts
CVS Health will close hundreds of drugstores over the next three years, as the retail giant adjusts to changing customer needs and converts to new store formats.

We’re about 2 months away from CNN launching “The Joy Of Painting” with War Criminal George W. Bush. -cpoliticditto tweet