Friday, October 22, 2021

Hackers broke into Donald Trump's upcoming social-media site

Hackers broke into Donald Trump's upcoming social-media site, creating fake accounts for Trump and Steve Bannon and posting a photo of a defecating pig
Former President Donald Trump's upcoming social-media site, Truth Social, was hacked just a few hours after the announcement of its launch.
Hackers claiming affiliation with the group Anonymous created fake accounts for Trump and his former aide Steve Bannon on Truth Social, the network that Trump announced Wednesday...

BREAKING - Lev Parnas is guilty on all 6 counts for campaign finance illegality. 

Consider it the opening act for the coming Rudy Giuliani headliner. - Tristan Snell

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

It turns out that calling them “deplorables” was too kind. - John Collins

This Black Woman Wants To Be White So Bad.
Outspoken conservative political commentator Candace Owens has suggested the US military invade Australia in order to free its people “suffering under a totalitarian regime” while drawing comparisons to Hitler, Stalin and the Taliban.

Candace Owens talking about invading Australia as if we stand a chance against people who survive great white attacks by punching sharks in the face. - OhNoSheTwitnt

Republican Shenanigans

9 Republicans for America. 
202 Republicans for Steve Bannon. - Andrea Junker

Matt Gaetz Needs A Secretary
This is one bar tab Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) may regret not paying.

Steve Bannon Cited For Contempt Of Hygiene. Also Congress. - Jeff Tiedrich

I’m so f-ing tired of all these Moms claiming to know more than doctors. How about this, when your kid breaks his arm, take him to your yoga class instead of the hospital. - Ty Webb



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Rock The Voter News

Republicans Have No Shame. None.


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Business/Tech News

Crypto-Averse Man Would Prefer Investing In Traditional Stock Market He Also Doesn’t Understand. - The Onion


Twitter Finds Itself Right Leaning. Please Repair, Twitter!

Facebook should just change its name to "I can't believe I went to High School with such idiots." - Randi Mayem Singer

Thursday, October 21, 2021

'He's no longer a sitting president': Merrick Garland gets grilled about why he's not prosecuting Trump

'He's no longer a sitting president': Merrick Garland gets grilled about why he's not prosecuting Trump
Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) grilled Attorney General Merrick Garland on Thursday because the Department of Justice has not indicted former President Donald Trump.

The Department of Justice did nothing to Nixon about Watergate, or to Reagan/Bush about Iran/Contra or GW Bush/Cheney lying us into the Iraq War. No wonder Trump wants to be president again, he knows he can do whatever he wants.
Oh, oh, but the Department of Justice did provide hundreds of FBI agents to investigate the Clintons while he was president.

Next Trump will sue the US Constitution. - Jeremy Newberger

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Remember, if your vote truly didn't matter, Republicans wouldn't be working so hard to take yours away from you. - Jeff Tiedrich

Uh, Oh, More Covid-19 Strains Coming From The UK?
When it comes to COVID-19, what happens in the United Kingdom rarely stays in the United Kingdom — and that, in turn, rarely bodes well for the rest of the world.

If the way police unions are acting over vaccine mandates doesn't convince people that police aren't an antidote for public safety, I'm not sure what will. - AJ Springer tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Donald Trump launching a social network named Truth. What’s next, a Steve Bannon skincare line? - Tim Hannan

Meghan McCain Burns Her ABC Bridge

Many thanks to Meghan's hairstylist for entertaining us all these years!

America’s Children Demand That Joe Manchin’s Salary Be Tied to Work Requirement. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

Republicans: "We can't let minorities make the rules."

Sane Person: "But you're the minority."

Republicans: "Well, that's different." - Middle Age Riot

Five of Sen. Sinema's Staff Resigns

What do you call a system in which 41 Republican Senators, representing just 21% of the population, can stop voting rights legislation backed by 70% of Americans? 

How about “broken”? - Laurence Tribe


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Business/Tech News

4 yrs ago 5 ex-presidents raised $ for hurricane disaster relief.  
DT went golfing, paid for by you.

DT's Secret Service had to pay for Mar-a-Lago rooms, food & golf carts so they could guard him, paid for by you.

That $ went directly into DT's bank account 
Paid for by you. - John Fugelsang

Republican Upholds His Party's Tradition of Making Migrants Boogeymen
A Republican House member on Thursday relayed a baseless claim that there are illegal immigrants who’ve been wearing “big bulky coats” with AK-47s underneath them.

Here’s the deal: If you spent $3 on your coffee this morning, that’s more than what 55 major corporations paid in taxes in recent years.
It’s wrong — and it’s got to change. - President Joe Biden


Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Cheney: Bannon's actions suggest Trump was involved in Capitol riot planning

Cheney: Bannon's actions suggest Trump was involved in Capitol riot planning
..."Based on the committee’s investigation, it appears that Mr. Bannon had substantial advance knowledge of the plans for Jan. 6 and likely had an important role in formulating those plans. Mr. Bannon was in the war room at the Willard on Jan. 6...

I have to hand it to Liz Cheney for standing up to her dangerous colleagues in Congress.

Imagine if we lived in a country where a tiny minority of the population couldn’t  block progress for the majority. - Travis Allen

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Soldiers of the future will be computer hackers. - JCrongeyer tweet

Police All Over The Country Have Decided Not To Protect & Serve
Two suburban sheriffs said they would not send their deputies to Chicago to help with potential staffing shortages amid a feud between the mayor and a police union surrounding vaccine mandates.

The Republican Party promises to protect you from ANY politicians who are trying to protect you. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

This is a reminder that Marjorie Taylor Greene suggested the Parkland shooting was a 'false flag' event. - John Collins

Being the next president after the worst president in history was never going to be easy. - Middle Age Riot

Go Away, Joe.
Former Sen. Joe Lieberman (Conn.) is defending Sens. Kyrsten Sinema (Ariz.) and Joe Manchin (W.Va.), saying that while the Democrats are at odds with some in their own party over a sweeping spending bill, the pair are simply being “true to their own conscience.”

Just a casual reminder that in 1861, 11 Senators and 3 Representatives were expelled from Congress for failing to recognize Lincoln’s election and supporting insurrection. - Andrea Junker


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Business/Tech News

Tuesday: The military gets an extra $10 billion added to its $725 billion budget after ending a war.

Wednesday: The $9 billion-a-year plan for free community college is cut from the budget. - Dan Price

Zuckerberg Is Changing Facebook's Name. Like That Will Help. 

New Facebook Logo

Zuckerberg should just go all in and rename it Fascistbook. - OhNoSheTwitnt

You can’t fix stupid, but you can numb it with a 2 x 4. - Betty White



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The crystal clear tide pools at Botanical Beach, Juan de Fuca Provincial Park, south west coast of Vancouver Island, BC, Canada.
