Tuesday, October 19, 2021

FBI agents swarm Washington home of Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska

FBI agents swarm Washington home of Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska
FBI agents on Tuesday swarmed the home of Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska in Washington, D.C., an agency spokesperson confirmed to NBC News...Next door neighbor George Conway, the husband of former President Trump senior counselor Kellyanne Conway, walked over to the house on Tuesday afternoon to snap a photo of the law enforcement activity. Conway said he has never seen Deripaska at the home.

Remember when Steve Mnuchin tried to lift sanctions on Deripaska’s companies?
Yeah. Me too.

I think what's most important about the raid on multiple homes of Oleg Deripaska is it shows that Merrick Garland hasn't forgotten about 2016, Russia, Manafort, Giuliani, and the Trump campaign and he's not going to just let them get a pass. - BlackKnight10K tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Trump woke up today thinking he was gonna have a nice relaxing day spitting his normal bile at fallen heroes and now one of his main Russian mob associates had his DC mansion raided by the FBI. Who’s next Donnie? My money is on Jared. - Noel Casler

When you see the behavior of the anti-vaxxers and the arrogant anti-science crowd, it’s remarkable humans ever escaped the darkness of the Middle Ages. - Steven Beschloss

Republican Shenanigans

Trump released a statement on the death of Colin Powell specifically to spit on his grave. That's your choice for President of the United States? - Jeremy Newberger

El Chapo Refuses To Share Prison Cell With Steve Bannon. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

Has anyone tried telling Joe Manchin that it's hard to burn coal under water? - Stephen Colbert

What are you bringing to the War on Christmas? - DesignationSix tweet

I'm Not Surprised. No Wonder Melinda Left Him.
Years before Microsoft's board investigated a romantic relationship that founder Bill Gates had with an employee, Gates was told by fellow executives to stop inappropriately emailing with a different employee, Microsoft (MSFT) confirmed on Monday.

Overheard: If paying a cashier a living wage will make prices go up. Why doesn't replacing cashiers with Self Checkouts make prices go down?



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
This is a semisubmersible boat that was captured yesterday, near Golfito, Costa Rica packed with cocaine. Good for the police!


Monday, October 18, 2021

Trump to appear in video deposition Monday in case about 2015 alleged assault at Trump Tower

Trump to appear in video deposition Monday in case about 2015 alleged assault at Trump Tower
Former President Donald Trump is set to appear in a video deposition on Monday for a case involving an alleged assault during a 2015 demonstration outside of Trump Tower...The men allege that Trump's then-head of security, Keith Schiller, hit one of the protesters, Efrain Galicia, in the head after Galicia tried to stop Schiller from taking their large cardboard signs, which read, "Trump: Make America Racist Again."

As of today there are 744,520 bodies in the middle of Fifth Ave. - cryborg tweet

It's crazy how quickly some of you just get over half a million dead people, whether it's Iraq or covid. - BlackKnight10K tweet

2012 AHNC Archives

Lest We Not Forget It Was Bush & Cheney Who Fed Colin Powell Bad Intel
Reacting to the death on Monday of former Secretary of State Colin Powell, Fox News host Chris Wallace said that Powell’s speech making the case in 2003 before the U.N. Security Council that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction “shouldn’t define” the former decorated general’s legacy.

Colin Powell didn't die because he was vaccinated. he died because you weren't. - Jeff Tiedrich

Doesn’t it weird you out that Flynn’s brother is in charge of the US Army in the Pacific? - Barbara Malmet

Republican Shenanigans

As you read John Roberts supremely awful take re: vax realize he is not a real journalist, just a shill for MAGA/Fox News, also bear in mind his wife works for ABC News and retweeted him. A lot of MSM is making this pandemic much worse just fyi. - Noel Casler


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Rock The Voter News

The cost of the Build Back Better Agenda is $0.

The President's plan won't add to our national deficit and no one making under $400,000 per year will see their taxes go up a single penny. It's fully paid for by ensuring big corporations and the very wealthy pay their fair share. - The White House tweet

Even The Aussies Don't Like Ted Cruz. LOL.

One of the things that was unique about Colin Powell: he was one of the few members of the Bush administration to admit that he was completely wrong about Iraq. And he didn’t try to sugarcoat it. - ppavnr tweet


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The one thing I rarely see people bring up in regards to the labor shortage is that 700,000 people died. - genie tweet

Business/Tech News

I got tired of going to church and seeing the pastor pull up in a brand new BMW while my 12-year-old Honda Civic barely made it to the parking lot. But that’s just me. - Avenger Resister tweet

Keep Wearing Those Masks Through Flu Season!
The U.S. has seen 23 percent more flu cases this year compared to last year’s influenza season, though flu activity is still below normal pre-pandemic years, according to data collected by the Walgreen Flu Index.

Good news is rare these days, and every glittering ounce of it should be cherished and hoarded and worshipped and fondled like a priceless diamond. 
— Hunter S. Thompson (1937-2005)


Friday, October 15, 2021

Trump supporters hurl profanities at Joe Biden as he greets children at a daycare center: report

President Joe Biden was greeted with profane taunts from Trump supporters on Friday despite the fact that he was in the presence of children...

Trump could literally eat a baby and lose zero support among the base. - John Fugelsang

There were 3,683 gun-related deaths in Texas in 2019 and 0 kangaroo-related deaths. 

Guess which one you need a permit for. - LOLGOP

Texas, Go Home, You're Drunk.
SOUTHLAKE, Texas — A top administrator with the Carroll Independent School District in Southlake advised teachers last week that if they have a book about the Holocaust in their classroom, they should also offer students access to a book from an “opposing” perspective, according to an audio recording obtained by NBC News.

In order to offer an “opposing perspective” on the Holocaust, The Diary of Anne Frank will now be solely taught in conjunction with The Diary of Ann Coulter. - OhNoSheTwitnt

Republican Shenanigans

If your own grandfather started rambling to a roomful of strangers about how he's not into golden showers, at the very least you would quietly confiscate his car keys. - Jeff Tiedrich

Woman Bites Officer
A woman carrying a baseball bat near the Capitol's West Front on Friday morning "became combative" and bit a Capitol Police officer, the department said.

I like how 2000 yrs ago Jesus warned us against wealth & materialism and now Capitalism is propped up by his birthday. - John Fugelsang


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Rock The Voter News

Anyone else grateful Biden is bringing class and decency to the White House when you see Trump talking about Golden Showers? - David Weissman

DOJ Trying To Block Texas's Abortion Contortion Law
The Justice Department says it plans to ask the Supreme Court to block Texas's controversial new abortion law hours after a federal appeals court ruled that the statute can remain in effect while it hears the Biden administration's legal challenge.

Imagine if you needed to have fire rescue insurance for the fire department to save your life.

Ok just found out the people in the burning house don't have fire rescue insurance so we can't save them.

If you think that's cold blooded that's essentially our healthcare in the US. - Eric Garcia


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USDA Rolls Out New School Brunch Program For Wealthier School Districts - The Onion

A reminder that every single Republican in Congress voted to block you from getting stimulus money

If the MAGA folks had a special passport that allowed them to get 50 percent off at Cracker Barrel do you think they would have a problem with it? - Noel Casler

Thanks, Betsy DeVos.
Math and reading test scores for the country's 13-year-olds have dropped sharply in comparison to numbers from 2012, with some of the lowest-scoring test takers falling the furthest behind.

Shatner Sent To Work In Amazon Factory Until He Pays Back Cost Of Space Flight. - WATERFORDWHISPERSNEWS
